Never Been Promoted

Can You Turn Your Passion into a 7-Figure Business? | Lucie Ptasznik

August 22, 2024 Thomas Helfrich Season 1 Episode 93

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Never Been Promoted Podcast with Thomas Helfrich

In this episode, Thomas Helfrich is joined by Lucie Ptasznik, a passionate entrepreneur and owner of LP Equine Unlimited. Lucie shares her inspiring journey from growing up in Detroit to building a seven-figure business in the equine industry. Her story is one of determination, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of her dreams.

About Lucie Ptasznik:

Lucie Ptasznik is the founder and owner of LP Equine Unlimited and High Vibe Trail Rides, one of Michigan's largest public trail riding companies. Her journey began with a childhood dream of working with horses, which she pursued with unwavering focus. After gaining experience by offering free riding services through Craigslist, she eventually built a successful business buying, training, and selling horses. Lucie's story is a testament to the power of following one's passion and creating a life of fulfillment through entrepreneurship.

In this episode, Thomas and Lucie discuss:

  • Lucie's Entrepreneurial Journey: Lucie recounts her path from a young girl with a dream to a successful business owner, detailing how she navigated the challenges of the equine industry and corporate life.
  • Mindset and Success: The importance of mindset in achieving success, and how Lucie's approach to life and business has been shaped by positive thinking, gratitude, and intentional living.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Lucie shares the obstacles she faced, including the struggles of balancing corporate work with her passion for horses, and how she overcame these challenges to build her business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow Your Passion

Pursuing what you love can lead to both personal fulfillment and business success. Lucie's story illustrates how following your dreams can open up unexpected opportunities.

  • Mindset Matters

A positive, resilient mindset is crucial in overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. Lucie emphasizes the importance of maintaining high vibrational emotions and focusing on gratitude.

  • Entrepreneurship is a Journey

Lucie’s experience shows that entrepreneurship is about more than just business; it’s about personal growth, resilience, and creating a life that aligns with your values.

"Entrepreneurship is following your passion in a way that provides value and service to others, expanding the most authentic version of yourself." — Lucie Ptasznik




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Welcome to another episode of Never Been Promoted. We're on a mission to help a 1000000 entrepreneurs get better at entrepreneurship, and we're doing that through micro mentoring, through the learning and the you know, just listening to other people's journeys that have been successful. They failed. They've had challenges, all those things. If you could do this, if you can learn one thing from today's show, you'll have done what you needed to do to get a little better at entrepreneurship. You know, if this is your first time coming here, thanks. I hope you come again. And if you've been here before, collect your dad points. Dad points are super valuable. You put them in your pocket, and I'll tell you how to spend them one day. Now if this is like you, if you've been here before and you haven't done this yet, go to Apple, go to Spotify, drop a 5 star review. It really helps us, the guests, build the community. If you didn't like it, then email me. You know, let me know why or we can do better. And, you know, follow the YouTube channel. You can at YouTube @neverbeenpromoted. But I know that nonsense, shameless plugs. I always feel a little gross and dirty doing that, but you gotta you gotta do that. Let's meet our guest. It's Lucie Ptasznik. Did I say right?
0,01:03,000 --> 0,01:04,000
You did.
0,01:04,000 --> 0,01:18,000
Oh, thank god. I wanted to say Lucie Ptasznik but it doesn't it wouldn't be right. Lucie. It's like French Slovak. Yes. Exactly. I'm not sure.
0,01:18,000 --> 0,01:22,000
That is that's exactly how You're not so
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you're a you say horse trainer at LP, you know, equine unlimited, but you're the owner. Like, this is your thing. This is what you're doing. Right? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. How do you train a horse? Can you just give me, like, before we get into I'm gonna get an icebreaker question. But in 30 seconds, how do you train a horse?
0,01:42,000 --> 0,02:53,000
Okay. 30 seconds. Fast. Go. You have to get to have some energetic understanding of the horse. You have to build a relationship, and you kind of have to go with, like, this is a blank slate. I don't know you. You don't know me. Kinda figure out, what do you know? What are you comfortable with? And then move, move through the basis, if you will. And so we can start with some groundwork, and then just follow their body language and listen to what they're saying essentially, and then you can move forward as, as you feel comfortable. And so that might start with throwing a saddle on, putting the bridle on. That might start with lunging, groundwork, and eventually working your way up, onto their back. Once you get on their back, figuring out what they know, what they don't know, what they're good at, what they need help with, and then, being able to communicate in an effective way that is going to teach them, okay. This is this is how you do it correctly. Oh, nope. This is not correct, and we're gonna go ahead and correcting we're gonna go ahead and correct it by by doing it this way. And then release is essentially their reward. So once we release, they relax, they breathe, they chew, they lick their lips, that means they learn something.
0,02:53,000 --> 0,03:10,000
I thought you're talking about jujitsu there just for a little bit. Like, you get on their back, you figure out what they know, choke them out, but you left that part out. Alright. Let's do an icebreaker question. I think this will be appropriate. So if animals could talk, which one or which species would be the rudest of them all?
0,03:10,000 --> 0,03:29,000
Oh, which ones? Monkeys for sure. Most definitely. My girlfriend has a monkey, and it's just mischievous. It does whatever it wants, has no boundaries, snatch the food right out of your hand. Feel they're pretty egotistical little guys.
0,03:29,000 --> 0,03:57,000
I'd like to see a horse kick 1 and see how far it could kick it. That that'd be that's where I would go with it. I mean, it's like you target it up, kinda annoy the horse a little bit, and kinda drop kick the monkey into that okay. No animals were hurt during the filming of this podcast. Okay. Do you wanna give us your little, you know, your, a little again, not your little give us a little about your backstory and just what you know, where you've landed in your life. Yeah. Absolutely. So I grew up in Detroit. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit,
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and ever since I can remember I'm sorry? 8 Mile? Yeah. Eminem song? Yeah. 7 Mile to be specific.
0,04:06,000 --> 0,04:16,000
Okay. Here you go. Close. Very close. 7 minute abs. Sorry. I just kinda I was like, I'm gonna be quiet now. Please continue. You grew up in 7 Mile, south of Detroit.
0,04:16,000 --> 0,10:26,000
Yep. And, I was a little girl with a big dream. Ever since I can remember, I've been obsessed with horses. So naturally, I would beg my dad every single day. Dad, please, please buy me a horse. And my parents were blue collar workers. My mom had 2 factory jobs. Horses were totally out of the realm of possibilities. No way. No how. So much to the point where, like, I would just pray at night, and I would say, dear god, please let me just dream that I'm riding a horse in my dreams so that way it actually feels like I'm doing it in real life. I can't tell you, Thomas, how many times my left foot would be going in the stirrup as my right foot swings over in the saddle, and poof, I'd wake up. And I'm like, oh my god. I was so close. So, I never gave up on my dream. And the day that I turned 16, I, got my driver's license. And the same day, I put an ad on Craigslist. And I said, I will ride your horse for free. And at that point, I had all these yahoos calling me with their wild, unbroke, ungreen horses that hadn't been touched or handled in 5 or 10 years. And here I am, this, like, confident, cocky little 16 year old driving all over God's country, riding these people's horses. Next thing I know, I'm getting bucked off, thrown off, flipped over on top of, you name it, it happened to me. And it's one of those things where you just you fail forward and you live and you learn and you don't give up. No matter what curveball life throws at you, no many no matter how many times you fall off and eat dirt, life is going to have its obstacles. You have to just stay laser focused on your goals, on your dreams, on your desires, and just in that, like, relentless pursuit of your passion. And so that's what I did. I never had any formal education or instruction when it came to horseback riding. In fact, the horse has taught me everything that I know up until today. And that's why I like to share with people, follow your dream, pursue your passion, but really find out where your talents lie, what are your skill sets, and exploit them in the service of others. And when you do that, you will be met with total fulfillment, unprecedented success, and abundance on the other side of service to others. And that's really what I did. I ended up meeting a horse dealer who would get in, like, 50 horses a week. I'd have to ride everything. And I have to sell it fast, quick, cheap. Because if I didn't sell it fast enough, it was getting shipped to the slaughterhouses of Canada. So here I am, a 16 year old girl, on the mission to save all the horses of the world. And, essentially, that was my first step into the world of entrepreneurship. Because it was, kind of, like, the sky's the limit. What you put in is what you're gonna get out. Do you wanna ride 5 horses a day, 10 horses a day, 15 horses a day? Let's rock and roll. And so that was really exciting for me. And so I sold horses throughout high school, throughout college, and then after I graduated college, I got scooped up into the corporate world where I was still selling horses on the side. But during the day, I was getting suited up with high heels, working in the cube. So here I am working in the cube, and it just so happens I was an Excel spreadsheet master, and I'm doing these Excel spreadsheets from sun up to sun down thousands of lines long. And the whole time, I'm listening to my earphones, and I've got doctor Wayne Dyer streaming for hours and hours. And I feel like that gave me a huge leg up in the world because thank you to doctor Wayne Dyer. His teachings really played a fundamental role in forming who I am today and my, fundamental belief system. And one of his second rules to success and fulfillment is don't die with your music still inside of you. And while I was in the corporate job, it just so happened that I had the worst, most miserable boss in the entire world. I mean, this guy was as negative as they come. And here I am radiating positivity and joy. I had just seen the movie The Secret when I was 18, and I was so excited and so inspired by this idea. Oh my gosh. If I think an idea and if I dream it up and I believe it, I can be, do, have it. Like, how exciting is that? So here I am, fresh out of college telling my pessimistic boss as we're traveling all over the country to these different plants, and he's literally reciting every single app every single option that could go wrong. And I'm like, dear Justin, like, don't you realize that you're doing yourself a grand disservice where your focus goes, your energy flows? And if all you're gonna do is talk about everything that could go wrong, you're using imagine your imagination all the wrong ways. And so it wasn't long before I decided to take a leap of faith and, and take a chance on myself. And although it was hands down one of the scariest decisions I've ever made, leaving my comfy corporate, comfy cozy corporate job to pursue my passion and sell horses, it was by far the most rewarding decision I've ever made. So I basically went on to go ahead and build this build and scale a 7 figure business where I buy, train, and sell horses all over the country. And then I accidentally opened one of Michigan's largest public trail riding companies, High Vibe Trail Rides, high vibrational, high vibes. We live in a vibrational universe. Hey. But I and the reason why, it's like everything unfolded very organically, very naturally. and I'm not here here to say, oh, hey. Look at me. Look at everything that I've done. It's more of, like, now I'm, like, so excited and so passionate about sharing what quantum physics is and how to leverage the laws of the universe and how every single like, if I did it, you can absolutely do it as well, and that we can all follow our passion and really incorporate. What I like to do now is I give my clients a toolbox of different tools, strategies, and techniques that they can start implementing their in their lives today. Just start rewiring their subconscious minds and essentially transform your identity. So that way, it's it's going to propel you towards success. It's going to give you the momentum to take massive action towards your goals today. So that's kind of, that's where I started, and that's where I'm at. And I love your mission because it is in perfect alignment with mine, which is to positively inspire and impact, a 1000000 people around the world globally to take massive action towards their goals. So I was very excited to be here today. Yeah.
0,10:26,000 --> 0,10:58,000
I appreciate. That's a fantastic story. And, and, you know, I lots of questions from that too. Just nice to, you know do you I want you to recall a memory if you can. The first time you actually got on the horse from your dreams. Tell me about that moment. Are you talking about, like, when I was Like, not in the dreams, in reality. The go the go from the thing you dreamed about forever to actually stepping on Maybe maybe it's 1 or 2 memories. I mean, the first time you actually got on a horse Yeah. And then maybe the first time you got one you owned. Oh my gosh. It was, like, the first time
0,10:58,000 --> 0,12:52,000
I got on a horse, it was, like, surreal. It was incredible. It was like I felt, unstoppable. I felt, like, exactly where I was supposed to be. I remember looking down at the shadow of me on a horse and, like, watching us move together and thinking, like, this just feels so right. Like, this is where I'm meant to be. And then I remember I didn't, if you've ever spent any tie any amount of time around horses, they like, your hands are gonna smell like a horse if you're touching them. So I told my parents I was a little girl. I'm like, I'm never washing my hands again. I'm like, they smell so good. So, that was that was the first time. And then I remember and then, like, another I would say another core memory to your point is one so it was after I had opened, High Vibe Trail Rides, and one of the specialty rides that we do is we have a Dairy Queen ride. So we take out guided trailer rides through Kensington Park, and then we'll trailer them in, and then we ride the horses to Kensington I'm sorry, to Dairy Queen. And then we there's a hitching post where we hitch the horses. I run up. I get ice cream. I walk down the hill with with ice cream for the whole family, and then, we ride through the park. We ride through the Huron River and then head back to the trailer. And I remember, like, I was taking out these rides back to back. And after the second or third ride, I remember just, like, having my hands full of ice cream, walking down to the families and, like, looking at the horses and the smiling faces. And I'm like, wow. How is it possible that I get to have so much fun, meeting these amazing people, sharing the joy of horseback riding, and getting ice cream. Like, it's, like, winning all across the board, and it was, like, so exciting and so fulfilling. And I'm like, and I'm getting paid to do all of this. Like, what?
0,12:52,000 --> 0,13:26,000
That's what I was saying. And you're not doing you're not in Excel hell, you know, typing away. Nothing worse than Excel hell people. If you've ever spent time in Excel you know what I mean? If you haven't, lucky you. Like, that that doesn't wanna make you quit a job faster than anything. Some people find peace in it, and I don't know why. They may be like lunatics. I really don't get it. Oh, it's the worst. But, that is such a beautiful story. Maybe may as a secondary it's on an icebreaker question, but what's one amazing fact about horses that most people probably don't know?
0,13:26,000 --> 0,14:19,000
One amazing there's so many, like, interesting facts about horses. One is that they they grow really big coats, so they don't have to be blanketed in the wintertime. Horses have been around for 600000 years, so they don't have to have a blanket in order to live outside. They grow thick winter coats. And in the wintertime, it their favorite temperature is 20 degrees outside. So when we're all worried, like, oh my gosh. Poor horse. It's so cold outside. Like, they're living their best life, so when it's 20 degrees and snowing outside. They're, like, get this thing off. Yeah. Exactly. They they're really good at self regulating their own body temperature. And sometimes, we as humans, we like to control a lot of things, and we like to worry about a lot of things. And, sometimes we just gotta let let nature do its thing and just trust the process. God knew what he was doing.
0,14:19,000 --> 0,14:42,000
Well, I think in that note, I will tell you before we move any further, I have never ridden a horse. It's never interest me at all. You know, I'm 62230. I it's not something that I'm like, I'm thinking that horse is not on my fat ass on that on him. Like, I'm I'm just like, I know you can carry it. It's straight on me. It's like, give me maybe the £120. But but, like, I get on there. I'm like, I just like it's gonna be like, really? You got I
0,14:42,000 --> 0,14:57,000
get to Clydesdale out here. I don't I don't need them. That's you're perfectly in proportion to ride a horse. You're you're perfect. You would have no issues. Horse would not have any issues. You'd be good to go.
0,14:57,000 --> 0,15:07,000
I just wanna see her. She said I'm perfect. I just want anybody who's listening there. I don't I that we're just gonna end the show there with that. I heard that. That's that's all I heard about what you said. I heard I'm perfect and just lost
0,15:07,000 --> 0,15:12,000
all focus. Thank you, guys. Thank you for listening. Thank you for tuning in.
0,15:12,000 --> 0,15:27,000
She was in reference to riding horses. You touched on this a little bit, but maybe understanding entrepreneurship, you know, maybe define it. Just what it means to you just, like, really personally.
0,15:27,000 --> 0,16:02,000
Entrepreneurship, I believe, is following your passion in such a way that you are able to provide value and service to the community at large, in a way that expands the most authentic version of yourself. I would say that that would be like entrepreneurship, in a nutshell. That's it's gonna grant you the freedom and the abundance as as well as growth and contribution.
0,16:02,000 --> 0,17:14,000
I think that's a great you know, I did a post or whatever it was yesterday. The other day was, you know, I asked a question based, are you free to be who you were put in this earth to be? Like, so, you know, a third of our lives are spent working about if during that time, you don't feel like you are yourself, that's incredibly tragic. Yeah. and unless you're like a serial killer, let's just leave you guys off. But, like, but but, like, if you feel like you have something more you could be doing and you have something I really am good at or I'd love to go do, There's a way to make a living doing that for sure. Because you're and so if you're what I find is entrepreneurship does it freeze who you were meant to be so you can serve a bigger good. Yeah. and that's what it means to me. It's like I get freedom. I don't get I don't have nearly as much time. I used to play way more golf and go do more things when I was on corporate. But so it's not sometimes about time. It's about how I feel, though. And so I feel like when you're in your corporate world and you're getting the energy of and youth and all the things sucked out of you by some middle aged dude that's kinda like, oh my god. Get me away from this human. You're you're freed from it. and if you can add the money piece on top, wow. Right? And you're helping people, so it's like, you know, a triple win. How can we how can we keep that going?
0,17:14,000 --> 0,22:08,000
and I think part of that is a mindset. So maybe talk to me about how you keep your mindset, how it matters to you, and kinda what supporting skills do you think are fundamental to you to keep that mindset moving? Well, I was just when you were talking about all of, like, all of that about being an entrepreneur and how, like, when you have a boss that can, like, suck the life out of you. And then, like, at least my experience so when I started my business, I was a solopreneur, and I did every single thing that the business needed. I answered every single phone call, every text message, every single email, and I was working from sunup to sundown. I mean, from the moment my eyes opened, from the moment my head hit the pillow, I mean, I and part of it is just, like, yes. I loved it so much. And if you would have asked me back then, I would have told you, yeah. This is my favorite thing. I wouldn't have it any other way. But it wasn't until I actually met my my boyfriend now, Jason, who he is he's, like, extraordinarily successful. And what he helps people do is he helps people step outside of their business. So instead of working in your business, you learn how to work on your business. And so that was Sounds like the e myth. Exactly. Literally. Exactly. And so, that was a huge revelation for me because what had happened was when 2020 rolled around, we were already doing really, really well. Horse sales were doing wonderful, and the trail riding business, I mean, it was growing. And trail riding business was growing. Everything was word-of-mouth. We were really leveraging social media to our advantage. It was spreading like wildfire. We we had guests come we had people from different media and news outlets coming to come horseback riding with us, like, very, very blessed in lots of ways. But it wasn't until 2020 hit, and everybody got thrown out of work. Everybody was trapped inside of their houses. All of the businesses were closed, and everybody was bored inside, locked indoors. And so what did everybody wanna do? They wanted to get outside. So outdoor recreational activities skyrocketed. And guess what? It just so happens that you're 6 feet away on a horse. So we blew up in 2020, like, insane. And one of the funny part is that I was at a conference. Like, they say you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. The, March 11th 2020, the day that they declared a national emergency and closed everything, I just so happened to be in an auditorium with 400 of some of the most of of the country's most brilliant business minds, entrepreneurs, just, like, high vibrational creators, doers, thinkers. And I remember, like, I'm scrolling my phone on Facebook, and I'm looking on my phone, and I'm like, oh my god. Like, people are posting in grocery stores where shelves are are there's no food on the shelves. There's no water. Like, chaos is ensuing. But here I am in this auditorium, and they're standing on stage, and they're like, oh, this is an opportunity. How are we going to position ourselves so that way we can be of the most service to our community? How can we, leverage this as an opportunity? And it was just like a totally different mindset. The energy of the room was contagious. And so when I got back home and I remember looking in the mirror and being like, I am unstoppable. And in that moment, I made the decision that even though, like, horse sales had came to a screeching halt because of all the fear in the economy, I was not going to allow my outside world, the outside circumstances that I had no control over, to dictate how I was feeling internally. And so I made that decision. I like to say that we are only ever one decision away from a completely different life, and our life is we are where we are today based on every single decision that we've made up until this point. So if you can make a different decision if you can make a decision today and decide and commit to that decision and show up every single day in discipline, I mean, you will change the trajectory of your life. And so that day, I decided I am unstoppable. And that year 2020, we exploded. We got super big, and that was the day when I had to start hiring teams of people. And that was my first experience as an entrepreneur, hiring people and dealing, and dealing with teams and having to, like, step up into a leadership position. But one of the biggest things that I learned is when I thought that, oh, I can do it best. I can do it best. Nobody can do it better than me. That actually I had to turn that upside down because once I started putting people in the right places, I was amazed that they were actually doing the job better than I could and my business grew and became even stronger because, again, like, I let go. I let God. I trusted. I leaned into unshakable faith. and now I'm now I have, like, a whole team of amazing employees that, that I'm that I'm also able to serve in a positive way.
0,22:08,000 --> 0,22:20,000
That's awesome. I want you to resay that again. You're one decision away from say that part again because I want people to hear that. I think that's a really inspiring quote, and you're gonna get it. So unless you stole it from somebody, so it attribute it otherwise.
0,22:20,000 --> 0,26:08,000
I might have heard it somewhere along the way, but, I mean, one thing that I certainly believe in is that we're only ever one decision away from a completely different life. So and whatever it is, if I would have never decided to quit my corporate job, I would never have experienced the myriad of things that I've been blessed and privileged to experience. If I remember one day, I was I was driving I was driving home in my car listening to Ed Mylett, and I just decided. I'm like, I wanna do I wanna do my first, bikini competition. And it was that night driving home in the car that I'm like, I'm gonna be a bikini competitor. I made the decision. I got a trainer. I showed up on stage. And so we're only ever one decision away from a completely different life. And the thing that the thing is the thing that we need to understand is that decision is what shapes our destiny. And if we know that, then we know that there's so much power that lies in our decision making. What's the one thing that what is the one thing that will affect every decision we make? And that is our our mindset, our our emotional state. And so what I like to teach people is how to access these peak emotional states and maintain them. Because if we're gonna be making drastically different decisions when we're feeling empowered and unstoppable and passionate. Like, we can hurdle over any obstacle that's placed in front of us versus if we are in a low vibrational, frequency of of of lack or guilt or shame or fear, stress, overwhelm, frustration, whatever whatever it's called, whatever you're feeling. If you're feeling any of those low vibrational emotions, you're gonna be making drastically different decisions than if you are operating in a higher vibration higher vibrational emotion, like like like peace, joy, abundance, passion, excitement. And so understanding what understanding that we live in this vibrational universe, this attraction based universe, and that thoughts become things, and that what we think about dictates what we're feeling and how we're feeling is going to shape the decisions that strongly shape and influence the decision that we we're making, which is essentially going to either push us closer to our goals or leave us feeling stuck or unworthy or separate from those goals, then we can start to understand that, like, wow. Thoughts are energy. My words are my words contain a frequency or have an energy to them. My my my light like, if I want a better life, I need to begin to think better thoughts, but it all stems back to awareness. All change is preceded by awareness because we can't change what we're unaware of. And so that's why I love teaching people the power of awareness and how to become keenly aware of the thoughts that you're thinking. As soon as a thought, pops into your mind that doesn't serve you, recognize that. Really getting very intentional about recognizing that internal dialogue, that little voice in our head that's constantly tearing us down and telling us that we're not good enough, or who are we to dream that big or what are the other people gonna think. And so we fall into these patterns, patterns of focus, patterns of language, and patterns of physiology. And if we can recognize these patterns, then we can shine the light of awareness on them. We can pattern interrupt. We can break these patterns, and then we can replace them with habits that are going to serve us and propel us to the next level of life. That's awesome. It's fantastic.
0,26:08,000 --> 0,26:28,000
You know, I always like to hear about success stories. But maybe may I think you talked about it, but have you ever met the younger like yourself, like the 8 year old that gotta be on the horse the first time? Has anybody had that? Have you seen that experience play out in front of you where you know exactly how that little girl or boy's been? Man, that's the best.
0,26:28,000 --> 0,27:24,000
There's this there's this kid that comes out to the barn right now. His name is Cam. He's 9 years old, and he is a go getter. He's such a cool kid, and his mom was telling us how he's like, oh, over the summertime, he was, cutting people's grass. And in the wintertime, he was shoveling people's snow. And he even started his own d car detailing service, and he's made over $3,000 this summer just by helping people with things. And now 9. And he's just and he's 9 years old, and, like, not and he's so well spoken. He's so emotionally astute as a 9 year old and, you know, having these, like, intelligent conversations with you. And he just loves horses, and he's like, how can I help? And, it just it's it super inspires me to be like, oh, well, he wants to help me. How can I help him? Sure, kid. Come out. Like, you know, let's yeah. How can how can I help you?
0,27:24,000 --> 0,27:41,000
That's amazing. And along your journey, like, things aren't without challenge. Like, they come up. Maybe, you know, talk about, like, a story of when you a challenge you faced, and it didn't have to be really into your business. It could be personal. It could be whatever, but, wherever you'd like to take it. Being the story of what it was
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and how'd you come over it if you didn't. Yeah. Okay. Well, the first thing I think of is where people say, like, oh, you're so you're so lucky. You're so lucky. Or, like, you're such a good writer. And it's just like, well, no. Like, I don't I don't believe in luck. Luck's not a thing. Like, I am I'm we are all the powerful creators of our own reality. I am where I am because of every thought, action, decision I've made up until this point. Yes. Have I made poor decisions? Absolutely. But guess what? I've learned and grown from those decisions. And if you stay stuck in fear instead of stepping outside of your comfort zone, you're not gonna allow yourself to take those actions and fall on your face and learn from your failures. So that's why, like, when I talk about, like, my journey of, like, getting bucked off at a really horse I ever sat on, I'm like, yes. I'm a great rider, but why am I a great rider? Because I failed a lot more times than the average rider. I've ridden thousands of horses and got bucked off dozens of times. And so, therefore, I learned what not to do so that way I can move forward with more more confidence and grace. And, I mean, the same thing, gosh, even the same thing, like, real estate investing, I've boy, oh, boy, have I made plenty of mistakes in that world. So after I graduated, or I'm sorry, after I, I quit my corporate job, I jumped into the horse. Obviously, I just, like, I followed my dream of the horses, and I did I pursued the horses. But I was like, wow. I really liked the security of having that check of that check for my corporate job come in. How can I duplicate that? How can I replace that stream of income? And I'm like, well, if I just invest the money that I make from the horses into real estate, I can generate passive income. So that's when I stepped into real estate investing. And so I made oh my god. I'm like, I don't even know which mistake to tell you. Do you want me to tell like, I mean, everything from not vetting tenants correctly to flooding my own house to, just all yeah. Oh, that was yeah. I was I was so worried about the pipes being froze, like, because the I forgot what happened. But I was so worried about the pipes not being frozen that I'd shut off all the water. And then, then the electricity came back on or something like that. And then but in the interim, we had accidentally turned opened the faucets back up or something. We'd open the faucets to drain them in case the pipes were, in fact, frozen. But then when the water came back the, yeah, the water came back on, and it flood the whole house. It was a disaster. So all of that to say, especially with, like, real estate investing, that the best thing that you can do is get a mentor. Find somebody who's done what you want to do, somebody who is living the life that you want to experience that has created whatever it is that you want to create and model them, learn from them, listen to them, spend as much time as you can with them, even whether it's an actual person. And if it's a person that you can physically hang out with, oh my god. Great. Invest your time with them, and don't worry about and just figure out how you can serve them, how you can help them. And or if it's somebody that you're listening to that you look up to that's, like, an author or a speaker, like, follow them, attend to their events, join their masterminds, do those things because proximity is power. and even, like, everything that you consume, everything you consume to, like, the food that you're eating, like, that has, like, everything's vibration, and everything carries an energetic frequency. So when you're fueling yourself with, like, high vibrational healthy foods, that's gonna make you feel better. It's gonna fuel every cell of your body to operate at a higher level from everything from what are you drinking? Are you spending time drinking water, or are you drinking alcohol? And how much alcohol are you drinking? What are you know? and then it goes to, like, what are you consuming? Are you watching the news? What are you watching movies? Are you watching podcasts? Are you reading books? What kind of books? Like, how much like, the news is low vibrational poison, in my opinion. It's divisive, and it's based in lack and scarcity and fear. So, I have lots to say about the news. It's all about what you're consuming. So if you can really be super intentional about everything that you're consuming, the people you're surrounding yourself with, the conversations that you're having, and really get intentional with the thoughts that you're thinking, you'll start to very intentionally make big shifts in your 3 d reality.
0,32:30,000 --> 0,33:47,000
Yeah. Oh, well, I think you said it very well. And, you know, it's you know, what comes in comes out. And so if you put good things in, better things come out too. And, you know, along your way, you talk about passive income. I will tell when you're an entrepreneur, there there's this thing called entrepreneurial ADD that you just oh, a new idea, a new idea. If you're gonna do a passive income strategy or do things, just try to form a triangle. I would say the best way to start, like, have 3 things that are related, and they all serve each other to some degree. So that way your focus isn't gonna get too far from the things that make you money and give you happiness. Maybe it's a you know, maybe your passive income is, you know, a a field of of and you're selling real estate's a whole different game. Right? Like, if you're like it's like it's hard to be wearing so many hats and doing well. So, that that's a point of debating. But if if you're if you're, if you're trying to get some different income streams, just it's sometimes it's best to keep it near what you do because it's easier to manage. Not to say you shouldn't. If so, if you can figure it out, it's great. But, little tips I kinda find along the way are here. In your current endeavor, what do you love best, and what do you just really it's one part of the business you really just don't like?
0,33:47,000 --> 0,37:26,000
Oh my gosh. I have a struggle finding anything that I don't like. I've been so incredibly intentional with, like, creating and sculpting my life to make it exactly as I would like as exactly as I want it to be. I feel extraordinarily blessed to be able to wake up every single day and kind of live life on my terms, like, for okay. So, like, morning routine for me is nonnegotiable. Like, every single day I wake up, my eyes open, boom, meditation. Huge proponent of meditation. You guys aren't meditating. Gift yourself 5, 10, 15 minutes every single morning. You will start to see things shift and doors open, opportunities present themselves that will far surpass any expectation that you might have held. So, like, the meditation, the cold shower the cold shower is just all about discipline and chain training your mind body. Your body your mind says go. Your body moves. So, like, cold showers are another one. Journaling is huge, just because it's, like, intention setting. It's I am affirmations. And it's just like you're, again, like, rewiring the subconscious mind for success. You're focusing on what it is that you wanna create. So, like, I guess, long story long, to answer your question, I'm blessed that I'm able to, wake up and, like, actively participate in that morning routine every day. And then whether it's hopping on a amazing podcast and meeting awesome individuals like yourself, Or if I'm gonna go train, like, Monday through Thursday, Monday Wednesday, I train with Jen. Tuesday Thursday, I train with Mickey, who's an MMA fighter, and we do, like, mitt work and boxing. And so, like, that's super fun. And then I'm, you know, riding horses, then we have coaching students, and, you know, I feel like I'm helping them change their lives and whether it's their their businesses, their finances, their fitness, their health, their relationships, even in self love and, like, worthiness. I mean, it's so rewarding when we get these text messages of how people's lives are transforming because of their following our advice. So that's extraordinarily rewarding. I don't and so I think the only thing so, like and what do I not like about it? There's no every there's nothing I don't like. Every day I, like, wake up, and I'm I'm very excited because and I think it's because I've trained myself to always see the good in all things. Even when difficulties arise, even when obstacles present themselves, like, valleys will happen. And I'm always looking for, like, what was I supposed to learn from this? How can I grow? On the other side of every single obstacle, like, I'm always coming out, like, better, wiser, stronger, fiercer. Like, I'm always on a constant mission to improve myself. How can I show up as the best version of myself mentally, physically, financially, spiritually? How can I help others do the same exact thing? I think that it's important to also have goals in life. So, like, if there's something that I would change, like, I'm really excited to manifest my my my dream farm, and that's gonna be bigger than the property that we have now. So that way, we can, buy more horses and sell more horses and just amplify that. But there's nothing that I can think of off the top of my head that, like, I'm unhappy with.
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It's great. I mean, that's fantastic. It's a it's a good you know, the, the only thing that screw you up now is ambition. Right? It's like it's like if you if you just if you keep doing what you're doing or repeating it and don't don't cut the process, sounds like you're gonna continue to be successful and, and living the living the life. Right? Is there anything that keeps you up at night? Anything that kinda has on your mind ever that you're like, that's there's this one thing that keeps you up or, you know, and it could it could be So I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, you know, I'm like, oh my god. And that's another thing. That's another that you're like, no. I like to be mindful of what it goes.
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Is unparalleled. So there have been days when, let's say, I'm fighting with my significant other and, like, I don't know, whatever. He said something. I said something. We're arguing. We're, like, really upset with each other, and, like, I can tell it I can just tell that I'm in such a low vibrational state. Because anytime I'm out of alignment, it's it's so obvious. It's so apparent. I don't enjoy being there. So I'll try to do whatever it is I can to lift my spirit, to raise my vibration. Because, again, we don't attract what we want. We attract what we are. So if we feed into this, like, victim role of poor me, we're just gonna attract more circumstances that are going to crystallize that, like, poor me victim mentality. So and if and if, again, if you're focusing on the lack or the irritation, then you're just gonna get more things that, prove to you that, like, you're poor and irritated. So, every single night, I do my gratitudes and where I go through and I list every single thing I'm grateful for. And I've been doing this for, gosh, 7, 8, 9 years. I don't even know how long. But what it's done is, like, some like, my my point of mentioning that night that we had that fight is, like, I remember I was so angry, and then I listed out my gratitude. And it was, like, it was wild because it was, like, the weight was lifted, and Instantaneously felt so much better, so much lighter, so much more at peace just in, like, the 5 or 10 minutes that it took me to write out my gratitudes. And so I've been doing this for so long that every single night before I go to sleep, I'm focused on all of the blessings and all the miracles, and then I write out tomorrow's forecast of all of the things I wanna create, attract, experience the next day, which is like which is like a minIntention setting thing, if you will, where you're calling in what it is that you wanna create. I have a pretty positive outlook for things that I had to set a pretty pa so, like, I go to sleep I go to sleep with, like, a high vibration. Your subconscious mind is most susceptible as soon as you wake up and it's in theta state. And right before you go to sleep is when it's again theta state because while you're operating during the during the day, it's in alpha and beta. While you're sleeping, it's in delta, and it's most suggestible right before you go to sleep and right before and right when you wake up. So, therefore, you really wanna do the best you can to create those habits with a morning routine, with a night routine. So that way, you're training your mind to look for the good and feel and feel good because what we focus on is what we're going to attract. And when we talk about visual is that visualizing and emotionalizing things, living from the inside out instead of that that's where we get into, like, Newtonian model of the world versus the quantum model of the world. Newtonian model of the world is cause and effect where we talk about, an event happens, and it triggers the emotion secondary, where the quantum model of the world is flipped around, which is essentially causing an effect and essentially embodying the emotion before the event occurs. And when you emotionalize the feelings of the desire already achieved, then you collapse timelines and you fast track the physical manifestation of that desire into your reality that much quicker. So that's why, I'd say the only thing, like, that I don't really struggle with a lot that keeps me up at night. I mean, who won the fight?
0,41:34,000 --> 0,41:49,000
No. That's great. I think some advice you're giving is is good. It's it's fantastic. It's, I mean, short answer, who won the fight? I don't know if I have a definite answer to be a 100% clear with you. With you and your hero, a second name of other. Who's at fault? Who won the fight?
0,41:49,000 --> 0,41:53,000
No. I will
0,41:53,000 --> 0,41:58,000
well, what what I will you were at fault and didn't hear the fuck. That's all we're gonna put out there. That
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and if your, significant other's listening, she does, like, a huge awakening to me is that, he does this he before I met him, I never owned a TV in my house because I'm like, who needs a TV when you can just ride horses every day and work on horse ads at night or whatever it is, watch podcasts at night, watch. And so I never had a TV. So at night, he's watching TV, and I'm like, oh my god. I don't wanna watch TV. And I would allow this to, like and so I decided very specifically one night where I'm like, instead of being annoyed or irritated that he's got the TV on, why don't I just choose to be grateful that I've got somebody cuddled up, snuggled with me who who loves me as much and who loves me and treats me so wonderfully? And it was like It was just it was almost like a fleeting thought, but it was a decision to shift my perspective. And as wild as it seems like from that point moving forward, our entire relationship shifted. It was like it was like I was dating a totally different person to the point where the over the next, like, over the next several weeks, I was like, baby, what did you do differently? Did you think something differently? Did you do something different? Did I do something? What what's going on? Like, why are you acting so different? He's like, babe, I didn't do anything differently. And I'm like, oh, my god. I'm like, it was me. Like, when Gandhi says, like, be the change you wanna see in the world, it's because, like, all change starts with you. I had to shift my perspective. And when I did that, everything changed. So I thought that was, like,
0,43:35,000 --> 0,44:22,000
just Yeah. No. I mean, you're yeah. Having having that faith based sorry. We had a little delay there. I stepped on you a little bit. The faith based piece, it's the last chapter of my book is have a little faith. I'm probably 2 years into a faith journey. You know, and I could do probably comment I'm not probably. I could've done hours of comedy sets of, on religion and faith prior. So I appreciate some of the teachings and things you're speaking of. and though for those of you who might be listening who just rolled their eyes, totally get it. Those who are on it understand it, and at some point, you know, you'll get met where you are. But, just be conscious of time. Give me, you know, 60 seconds. What is the you know, you're a you're a you're a genie in a bottle. Someone rubs it and goes, this is my one tip to you entrepreneurs. What is it? Okay. First thing is One piece of advice.
0,44:22,000 --> 0,45:46,000
First thing Okay. Fine. Dream big and set, like, dream. So First of all, always negotiate too. Big that your dream excites you and terrifies you at the same time. So many of us, like, we don't set our goals big enough, and, therefore, we don't achieve the level of success that we could just because of our lack of imagination. And the second thing, which is just as or equally even more important is belief. Belief is what bridges the gap between where you're at and where you wanna be. So even if you have these audacious, beautiful, delicious dreams and goals, if you don't believe that you can, if you don't believe that you're worthy or that you're capable or that you're able, there always will be that vibrational discrepancy between where you're at and where your goal lives. And that thing that you so so long for, so desire will always feel like it's just out of reach. Self love is the secret ingredient, and so believing in whether you whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't, you're right, as Henry Ford said. What what the mind can conceive yeah. What what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. So really understanding how to shift your paradigm and shift your belief system to set you up for success.
0,45:46,000 --> 0,45:58,000
You know, let's fast forward the year. Your year it's it's 2025. It's it's April. you're looking back in the last year. What did you accomplish, and what do you make sure of?
0,45:58,000 --> 0,46:51,000
I would say that I'm sure you have this written down. So I feel like you should get a feel that at this point and be like, oh, we're here now. Dream farm. They cover that more in the beginning. It's, like, 80 acres, beautiful home, and I am I'm I'm speaking on a national lever I'm sorry. Speaking on a global level, positively impacting people around the world become the best versions of their life and follow their dreams. Okay. I mean, that that's Is 88 is 80. Big enough? Well If you're not seeing I didn't wanna be I didn't wanna be too far away from, like I mean, 80 seems achievable in your I know. My family's here, and I didn't wanna move too far away from them.
0,46:51,000 --> 0,47:33,000
But you said you just said audacious goals. I mean, let's do this. Come on. Okay. Well, Helen, I'm gonna reframe your own It connects to a national park. 80. And there's about another 800. No. I don't have to pay taxes on it. That. And that's the next year's goal. You're gonna start with the 80 and you're at 10 exit. That's fine. That basically gives you unlimited mileage. Right? And you get a conservation even, so no one can ever come on your land either. There you go. There's 2 questions left. The last one's gonna be how to get a hold of you, who should get a hold of you. So don't don't waste your next question on that one. But if there was one question I should've asked you would've been What was it? But
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the answer might have been something along the lines of, like, you are the powerful creator of your own reality. If you can dream it, if you can believe it, if you can achieve it, all you have to do is line up with it vibrationally. We live in a vibrational universe, and if there's a desire that you have but you haven't manifested yet, you haven't accomplished it yet, it's because you're not a vibrational match to it. And what that means is we are where we are based on every decision we've made up until this point. So if we want a a beautiful new future, dream reality, 6 pack abs, if if we want more money in the bank or perfect health, we are going to have to think different thoughts, take different actions, and make different decisions than we've made up until this point. Because if we keep doing what we've always done, we'll keep getting the results that we've always had, and so therefore we need to really transform our identity, and what that means is death of the ego. We have to let go of who we've always been, and we have to step into the highest version of ourselves. Like, I forgot the author that says this, but we have to act like a moth to the flame of our desires, and we have to give ourselves up and step into this radically new version of ourselves and think, how would the highest version of myself act, dress, talk, believe? What are the beliefs that they would what are the beliefs that they hold about themselves and about the world that are not aligned with my current beliefs, and how do I line up my beliefs so that way I can become that person today and start making decisions as that person would.
0,49:25,000 --> 0,49:32,000
I love it. And I think it's, what is quantum mechanics was the was the jeopardy question answer to that answer. Wait.
0,49:32,000 --> 0,51:59,000
Anybody who is ready to take their life and their business to the next level. Anybody who feels Who should get a hold of it? Or unfulfilled do that. Or anybody who knows in their in their heart and their soul that they're meant for more, and they're ready to play a bigger game. What we've done is we have a robust 16 week program that allows people to very intentionally rewire their subconscious mind, transform their identity, so that way they can start taking massive action towards their goals. And what we've done is we've actually condensed this down into a 2 hour training that's broken up into a digestible 6 part series. Normally, this sells for $1,000 on our website, but we've got a special promo code for you guys. So if you go if you guys go to the ultimate success and type in promo code never been promoted, you'll actually be able to access that training and download it at completely no cost. And you can start implementing these strategies, these tools, these techniques today so that way you can start feeling infinitely better tomorrow. So that's my gift, to you and your audience. Ultimate success Yeah. Oh, and if anyone is wanting to, I'm a huge proponent of meditation because the definition of meditation means to become aware of oneself. And so as we, dive into this idea of how meditation can level up every single level of your every single area of your life, and, like, catapult you into new levels of success. I lead a meditation every Friday at 10:30 AM EST. So if anybody's interested in, like, okay. I don't know how to meditate. I don't know how to start meditating. This is a completely foreign concept. We have on our we have a Facebook group called transformation nation. So if you go to's bubble, fiercely protect your bubble. That's why I did Lucy's bubble. You'll see the links to transformation nation, and it's really cool community where we're constantly pouring out awesome content on how to show up as the best version of yourself. And then we do and then I do the live gratitude meditation every Friday at 10:30 EST.
0,51:59,000 --> 0:52:1,000
I love it. I will tell you there's 2 things I'm gonna definitely do. You know, I started doing reading every morning, doing the hard 75. Right? But I love the reading every morning, and it's my books on the science of mindfulness. But I do think I'm gonna add in, the gratefulness and some of the journaling stuff. and I like the idea of meditation. I'm doing it right now with just reading. It's like, you know, my it's funny because my daughter, 9 year old, gets up a little earlier now and she joins me and reads her book. And so we have reading time in the morning. And I was like, man, there is no better example of showing what to do when your kid falling, what to do than that. So thank you so much, by the way. Like, this has been a fantastic interview. I really do mean that. I can placate very well. Number 2, skill set. Number 1 is wrecking any corporate meeting through the use of deflection, unpreparedness, and blaming others. Number 1 skill. Number 2, placating, but not right now. Thank you for coming on, Lucy. I appreciate it. Thank you, Thomas, so much for having me. I had a wonderful time. Yeah. This is fantastic. and, yeah, listen. If you've made it this part in the show, you rock. You get extra dead points today. Put them in your pocket. I'll tell you how to spend them in the future. And if this was your first time, please come back. and I know I said this at the beginning, but, you know, maybe Apple, maybe it's, Spotify, maybe it's just Amazon, but go give us a 5 star. This really means so much to our community and because it gets more attention for the, shows and everyone who's on this. and it means a lot to me personally if you can do that. Subscribe to the YouTube channel, at Never Been Promoted. Thank you so much for listening. Until we meet again at the Never Been Promoted podcast, get out there, go unleash your entrepreneur. Thanks for listening.

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