Never Been Promoted

How to Build a Sales Process that Converts with Benjamin Brown

August 20, 2024 Thomas Helfrich Season 1 Episode 92

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Never Been Promoted Podcast with Thomas Helfrich

Benjamin Brown, shares his journey from growing up in a military family to becoming a successful sales consultant and author. Known for his no-nonsense approach to sales, Benjamin provides actionable insights into the art of selling, overcoming objections, and closing deals effectively.

About Benjamin Brown:

Benjamin Brown is the founder of 360 Sales Consulting, a company dedicated to helping small business owners and sales professionals improve their sales processes and achieve higher conversion rates. With over 20 years of experience in sales, Benjamin has a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed in the competitive world of selling. He is also the author of "Master the Art of Closing the Sale," a book that outlines his proven strategies for closing deals and boosting sales performance.

In this episode, Thomas and Benjamin discuss:

  • Growing Up in a Military Family: Benjamin shares how his upbringing in a military family influenced his discipline, work ethic, and approach to sales. He talks about the importance of structure and consistency in achieving success in any field, particularly in sales.
  • The Art of Closing Sales: Benjamin delves into the key principles of closing sales, including how to handle objections, the importance of listening to clients, and the strategies that can turn a "no" into a "yes." He emphasizes the need for persistence and the ability to adapt to different selling environments.
  • Building a Successful Sales Process: Benjamin explains the importance of having a structured sales process and how it can help sales professionals achieve consistent results. He shares tips on how to create a process that is both flexible and effective, allowing salespeople to tailor their approach to different clients while maintaining a high level of performance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discipline and Consistency

Success in sales requires discipline and consistency. Benjamin’s military background taught him the importance of these qualities, and he applies them to his sales strategies to achieve predictable outcomes.

  • Overcoming Objections

One of the biggest challenges in sales is overcoming objections. Benjamin shares his techniques for handling objections with confidence and turning potential rejections into successful deals.

  • Creating a Winning Sales Process

A well-defined sales process is crucial for success. Benjamin’s insights into how to build and refine a sales process can help sales professionals increase their conversion rates and close more deals.

"Sales is about discipline and consistency. If you can master these, you can succeed in any selling environment." — Benjamin Brown




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Welcome back to another episode of Never Been Promoted. Today, we're joined by Benjamin Brown. He's an expert sales coach, and we're gonna have an expert conversation on how what to do for sales and and learn from one of the best out there. So, before we get going, though, thank you for for stopping in here and listening to the podcast and visiting the YouTube channel. If this is your first time here, I do hope it's the first of many. And if you've been here before, thank you for coming back. The only call to action we ask is give this, 5 star review on Apple or, Spotify and give the YouTube channel a follow it. Never been promoted helps the community, helps helps us, keep moving the mission forward to help a 1000000 entrepreneurs get better at entrepreneurship. So enough self, shameless plugs, self promotion. Let's meet Benjamin. Let's bring him in here. Ben Brown coming to you live in Clearwater, Florida. Are you in Florida? You're in Florida. Right? Yes. That's right. Yes. Love it. And so many questions. What's going on in Clearwater downtown? But we're not going to go down that route. You
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you don't need to do that. That's too much.
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Total misinformation, not misinformation, too much information, probably for a podcast. But I will be in in Clearwater here in June. So after we get done with this, I'll tell you when I'll be there. And so, man, we'll meet up. It'd be great. Lunch is on me. Awesome. I like lunch. Lunch is good. We'll go to Frenchies right there. Right there. You know, right there. Maybe the pavilion. I don't know. Like, we we're nuggets.
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My favorite.
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I like the grouper sandwich there. It's good. Good stuff. Alright, mister, expert sales coach guy. Before we get going here and we get into your background, let's start with a little, icebreaker. All right. What's the worst piece of advice you've ever gotten from anybody?
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You could do it by yourself.
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Who told you that one? Says a parent. It's like, can I have some water? Like, whatever you do it yourself.
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You know, it came from a relative of mine, you know, but that stuck in my head because anything that you find if you find anybody had done anything excellent, awards, any ceremonies, or things like that, part of it is normally to thankful for the people that got them there. Because we're only humans, we make a lot of mistakes, and we're natural as human beings. We're lazy. And so have people to motivate us, point us in the right direction, even if you have a dream. It's like an athlete. You've seen people in NBA who are great athletes but don't have the work ethic. And they talk about it. In order to be great, you have to have both. And, normally, you have to find somebody to help you with that, to find the best things out of you. It's what I do in sales, is find what people need to bring the best out of them to be a best salesperson because it takes work to do that. It just doesn't happen by by chance, and that's why all of these tools come about to try to make it easy for people to convert without learning the skill itself. And so you need people. You need, roles. You need people that's gonna help you get anything. Anyone who has done anything great has normally had a slew of people. You know, I watch Canton, Ohio, the pro pro, hall of fame every year. That speech is normally 15 minutes of Jim Thang and the high school coach, their mom, their parents, the, you know, the people that saved them, the people that done all these things. And it's everyone has had that in their life. And so being the fact that you another thing entrepreneurs think they can do it alone is another reason. I had in my veterans chat on Facebook, what will be the first thing that I would do if I started a business and everything everybody had this in there. You know? And I was like I had the best one because I was like, find a mentor. Yeah. Right? Find find somebody that can help you. I went home this weekend. I talked to a former football player who was a pro that started in business, had a couple failures in business. He's reaching out to me and, like, I need help. Like, I'm like, yeah. You're good at football. This is a whole another arena. You need help just like you did in football. You had coaches. It's the same thing when it comes to business. Yeah. Well, you do it. And you're right. You can't do it alone.
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You can go so far. Like, I think when you're, you know, the flip side of that is you're you're waiting for others to help you as opposed to just taking initiative. But there's there's a difference between, what you're describing, which is how to get better or, like, go from, you know, hitting your far as you can go by yourself to saying, how do I go to the next level? And that's that that takes a team, for sure. So give us a little background, little you know, your origin and kinda backstory, and and lead us to where you're currently you know, you're currently working in, you know, ex as a expert sales coach.
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Come from a long way. So it's a little small town in Saint George right off 95 and worked on a farm, the only boy on 200 acres. So the work ethic was already there. The father had instilled a lot of that, one of the first role models. Number 2 is, leaving there to to leave the farm. I say I was the last American slave because my dad worked the daylights out of me, to join the marine corps, which was, another stepping to stone for me as far as growth and leadership and things of that nature. What it takes to get things done, former, war veteran as well. And then, dabbled in once I got out into personal training, which is my first endeavor out, and, got recruited to be in sales from the team that seen some personality traits that they thought. Sales is kinda like acting. You get the bug. And so they brought out the bug in me. I had a good mentor right off the bat, which helps you, understand it's work and it's not easy. But if you have the right mentors, you can make it easy. And so from then on, I realized if I continue to work, I can make whatever I did. And so I've sold tremendous amount of different products, different areas, but to keep it simple is the reason and the concept of what I developed. About 10 years ago, I started my coaching business because I've done everything else in sales, and I realized I can teach it, which is key. A lot of people can do it, but a lot of people can't teach. And I tested the model and found out it was effective, and something I like to do is give people the skill, the gift of of selling. And if they can do that as entrepreneurs, they can do that. So most people try to overmarket or try to, you know, try all the gimmicks out there, but they won't get on the phone and actually close or sell. And it's not as hard as you think it is. I my concept and my model is sales is simple, but it's not easy. So that not easy part is where a lot of people don't understand what that is, and I have to clarify that in the beginning. What's the not easy part? Is it is it the the the nose? Work. It's rejection. Sales is about rejection. People don't people nowadays are accepting. Everybody gets a trophy. Everybody no. Nobody fails. And sales is about fail. Entrepreneurship is about failure. I mean, how many businesses you gotta go through to be successful? People not telling those true stories. In sales, it's not easy. You're gonna get rejected. You have to practice. Practice with a coach, practice with a a a subordinate, and then you're gonna have to go out there and fail. Football, same thing. I always do sports. Music. You're not gonna sound the best. You're not doing, concerts right off the bat. You have to practice. And so when I say not easy, you have to practice. And if you're willing to put that time in, it becomes easier on the back end because 80% of sales is confidence. So what are you gonna do confident enough if you never done it before? So my deal is mentally to build the confidence so you can be willing to take the failures to go through enough to to do what you need to do because people have the businesses, but they can't sell. So it's a hard kinda thing to do that. And, you know, I helped them overcome that and realize mentally it can be done within a couple of weeks and, seen tremendous results from people.
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Yeah. You know what? It's funny. So the analogy, Did did, like, a fishing tournament with my my son. And he's like, man, we're not catching anything. I was like, well, if you don't throw your line in the water, we're never going to get anything. I go, so maybe if we get both get a couple lines in the water, we can double our chances. But it's like that. You do you know, fishing is all about casting. In a queue. You know, some different techniques. You gotta know different spots to hit, what kind of things to use. They all come together, and the fish is hungry. You catch a fish. But if you don't put your line in the water, you sure as hell can't catch anything. It's very difficult. They they rarely jump into your boat. So I I think that's, that's my take on sales, at least from my non professional, approach.
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With you, I will say it. Most people are afraid to put their line in the water because they know that that they're not gonna get a bite. And so they they just failed to start, and that's why a lot of people are not successful as entrepreneurs is because Mark Cuban said it best. I've heard him say it, you know, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, who are the new NBA champion against my Celtics, by the way, said, first thing you need to learn as an entrepreneur is learn how to sell.
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Yep. Agreed. I mean, he went to IU, so I like him. The in your current business, though, right, what do you what do you kinda most struggle with? You know? Because you always gotta develop business too, and, you know, there's there's always that you're working with people, and you gotta, you know, hunt while you, while you're you're sitting there eating at the same time. So in your own business, what do you what do you currently, you know,
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what keeps you up? As in any business, it's it's an opportunity to get to the next client. We all struggle with that. If you go on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, it's you're being bombarded by people who are stating, and I say 90% of them are not true, that they can get you to the next client or the next customer. I tell people I'm excellent at sales. I don't like marketing. But you have to know how to market, and so you try to pay your way out of that. And then what happens, a lot of people will have the opportunity to bring people into that realm of sales, but they can't close them. They can't talk to them. So the funnels come into place. Just click and buy is what everybody would love to have, which didn't exist 20 years ago because there was no Internet. Right? You actually had to convert somebody. You had to get make a phone call. You had to see them face to face before the Internet came about. So most of the people are now in a different realm. So I see a swing back of people right now who are starting to go back into the human to human with because the AI is coming and all this stuff. And and people are frustrated. I wanna talk to a person. Right. Right? If you're gonna ask me for my money, I mean, I we we we're seeing it now. You go to the grocery store, you go there, and there's nobody at the cash register. They push you to the machines. Like, what if I have a problem? Who do I talk to? You know? And you see the older people who, you know, never been through this experience. It's it's rough for them. Right? But you're still getting their money. Right? So and but you're talking $100, something like that. When you start dealing with coaching and start dealing with entrepreneur, you're probably dealing with 500, a1000, $10,000 that you're trying to get this person on your program and your product. That takes personality. That takes you know, it could be done through a email campaign if people get 30 touches and all this stuff. But buying e enable, if you're gonna get my money, you're gonna have to talk to me. Right? I need this. And and we do it now. We call customer service. You already know. Press 9. Bank. How long is it gonna take for me to get a live person? Can I get a you go to the bank? You you get banks. There's no more tellers. It's like so people at this time, there's a, I think, a defined moment right now where you if you have opportunity in your business to start proactively reaching out person to person, you know, you'll realize how easy it is if you know how to sell because nobody else is doing it. Everybody would just love to click and buy and all this kind of other stuff. And let me send you a Cash App, and you just convert. We never had that. That's why I'm different. I I was there before we had all of these tools.
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And so I never stray away from the fact that sales hasn't changed since the age age of time. It's just the tools you have. That's all. Well, dive into that. So so I would agree that, you know, it and maybe there's a couple of things to tackle here first. One one being, is there a specific type of personality that is better than another for sales, or is it is there something just more fundamental at play?
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The the testament I have for this, I've worked in, what we used to call boiler rooms back in the day. And so in this boiler room network, it's it's a 125 to maybe a 135 people max, all in the same room. No no no cubicles. You're seeing everybody on a regular basis from 9 to 6. The different personalities and individuals in that room. All your stats were on the wall to see who was performing, who was not performing. I did that for 4 years. So it's like a a really testament of what sales were he at the background, women, men, different origins, different backgrounds, different cultures. And so I got to see in action, we're doing the same sales process, but everybody's doing it their way. Right? And so I tell people, would you have somebody who think they're the hotshot in sales and have a great personality and outgoing, or would you like to have an introverted person who never done sales before? In both cases, I'll take the introverted person who never done sales before because it's a trust factor. They will trust the steps. The other person will wing it or think their personality would get the sales, which will work. But when the sales start breaking down and the sales is up and down deal, it never is even, they can't tell me what's wrong. Being able to recorrect what's wrong and getting back on track is the key to higher, returns. And so that that person who's introverted will listen and follow the steps rather than personality, and they'll kick butt because they're doing the fundamentals. Like in football, fundamentals.
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Right? Let's go back to the we're all in 5. We're going back to the fundamentals. You know what I'm saying? So what you you talk about the introvert. So I think that's a good point. And I think there's a a couple of reasons that happens. A lot of times, extroverts have always been told they'd be good at sales, and they they think they know. And they do know some things with, you know, how to interact, the fear of interacting. Those sometimes there are still insecurities and there's, like, you know, there's some compensating that goes on. The introvert that knows they need to do it is listening so they can do it right and get through their pain of uncomfortableness. And they make sometimes sometimes way effective because they ask questions so they don't have to talk. And then I've seen this, like, some of the best people I've been I bought from are complete introverts. They're just like they ask questions and they let you and then you could tell that I got I just don't like to be the one talking. I'm like, well, great. Because you're gonna be the one that's selling then and and buy and getting bought from. And so I have one of my best clients was a introverted person, never done sales. And,
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you know, she she took me 3 months. Normally, it takes 3 months to start from people that never had a background in it. And she made, like, a $170,000. I mean, my my payment for that was, like, $10,000, and she made 1.70. And I'm like, here you go. You got it. And then she came back and she said, I I know how to do it, but I don't like doing it. I'm like, they're well, Terry. You like money to me? Because, like, you're you're only a half million pays for the Eric Monster. I still don't wanna do it. I don't like doing it. I'm like, but so I could teach somebody who didn't wanna do it be successful. What do you think about somebody who really wants to do it and, understand? And it's it's takes a discipline, and if they have that, they could do quite well. I I I agree.
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If, you know, if you were looking, like, at your own kind of understanding of your entrepreneurial path and and how critical maybe sales has been to you, how is your own kind of program, if you will? Like, how has it shaped your own, like, you know, your own world? Because it's and I what I'm I'll preface a lot of times, coaches don't follow their own program. And and it's because they're whatever reason. Do do you follow yours to a tee, or do you find yourself always tinkering on the background to to see what's next?
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This is in front of my desk. He's both listening. He's he's holding up a a note card. This is this is my steps. This is my guide. This is Laminate. Every so when anytime in doubt, I will put this up and I will go over it. This is what we used to do back in the days. You have to have a structure. Sales is a process. Right. So if you ever start winging it and start losing, you don't know why. You can't correct it. And I used to get that from the early days, you know, when I started selling the disciplines of sales. Like, you can't wing it. You could wing it, but you're gonna do something wrong eventually. How are you gonna know that? Especially when you're alone and you're an entrepreneur, you don't have somebody to feedback to, and then you'll do that for a while. That's why people go in these downward spirals. How fast can you correct yourself to get back up? Because most one of the things, Thomas, you gotta understand, most salespeople are arrogant. They won't blame themselves. They'll blame everything else. The client wasn't ready. They don't have money. It was the wrong time of the year. They'll come up with every excuse. When I manage salespeople, they'll tell you all this stuff, and I just sit there like, you're talking the wrong guy. It's you. But you would never blame yourself. So having people to first realize that it's me, you know, just like relationships. It's me. I'm the problem. And if you're able to do that, you can correct quicker and and become successful. So my main deal is realizing with the arrogant people, that is you.
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It's you. You're the problem. And so once we clarify that, we can start making some movement. I think I you know, I just don't like marketing. I will tell you, when you get a new client, part of your marketing set should send them, you know, obviously the card, but it attached to a mirror. This is, you know, the problem and answer is in this mirror. And just have it have that's of you.
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That would be such a good marketing thing. Like, he's right. One one of the things I do to help people, I say, have you ever and I talk to people who got $1,000,000 companies. I've worked with $10,000,000 companies. And I'm talking to the salespeople, and I go, have you ever recorded yourself?
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Right. No. Oh, god. No. You've been doing this.
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I mean, you look at it I always go back to football. What did they do on Tuesday? They watched tape. They don't do nothing but watch what they did every week. They've been doing it for a year. In high school, they do it. So what makes you different as a performance skill that you don't have the audacity to listen to what you're doing? And then when we get that, we pull that because I get them to start doing that right off the bat. And then we listen to it, and I go and I go, man, I sound like crap. Like, yeah. This is what this is why it's not working. You you don't even know what you sound like. It's horrible. And so, you know, getting people to start real that's why I say I'm a mindset coach, because it's changing the mindset of our arrogance. See, I have to take a lot of the negative out to put some positive back in. And that takes a skill to do that before I even start to train on these 10 steps. We have to start with that first. And so no matter if you had a sales program in the past, that's my deal is that you get a lot of me to analyze. Hey. This is your problem. I'm your coach. I'm not here to be your buddy. Like, this is a problem. This is the reason why you're not making a 100,000. This is the reason not why you're not making a million. And it's realistic rather than theory, whereas marketing. If we do x amount of ads, you do x amount, we need to spend 2 more 1,000 on you know, all this type of theory stuff, and that's marketing. Because marketing doesn't have to prove itself. You know that. People bought many things, and it never never amounted in $1. So
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sales I would say I I think you're on to something with that. Now it's something I know I do. I'll take, 30 podcasts, take the transcripts, put them in AI and say, hey, how can I improve the show? What's the where am I talking too much? Same thing goes when I'll do interactions with clients and say, hey, the intent of this meeting is this, though. They're coming in like this. Like, how can I shape the meeting to you know? And and and it's it's a really good use of of content of saying, hey. You've talked you talked 48%. You just, you know, try to get down to 30. Like, you can do a lot of good stuff with AI to kind of shape it based on whatever it knows. But even if it's not exactly right, it will help you improve. And I think if you don't wanna listen to it, I think it's good to listen to one you close and one you don't. So I love that technique. I'll offer this too. It it maybe and you can say yes and or yes, no, whatever. But I find that, if you speak in one type of voice, meaning, like, you're hyperactive, you're, you know, you know, Sunday Sunday Sunday kind of sales guy, or if you're super, you know, some some other way, you tend to only sell one type of personality. It's one who wants to hear that. And so and and and do you agree that that happens if you're only one kind of way you typically will only sell to one kind of personality?
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The hilarious part is the good salespeople are chameleons. Well, agreed. And that's something how do you teach that? Oh, it's Because that's something I pick up with. And the confidence to do it. So I would talk to somebody from Texas, and I would just change my dialect just a little bit and slow it down. So I don't sound like I'm from someone that they are not used to. Or New York because it's faster, and they do really need to talk really fast. And New York does that, so you have to speed up because they'll leave you left behind. So you have to change everything that you're saying Minnesota. And then when you start talking out there, they talk a little bit different like that. So you have to I can change based upon the ZIP code to make people because one of the steps in the sales is connect and relate. I if you don't feel comfortable for me asking questions to figure out your problem, we are at a disconnect, and I can't help you. So connect and relating is finding something of similar to we we go to school. Do we like the same football team? Do we have children? Do we same religious background? Same color? Something to let people put that wall down and realize that you're there to help them because most people don't know if you're there to help them or not. And so the good salespeople that rip people off know how to do this excellent all the time. That's why they talk about them because they know how to overcome that. They're not scared of anything. And so by understanding how what sales actually is, which is the concept I change in people's mind, because the purpose of a sale is to get somebody to move. Right. It's not to get the money. It's to get them to do something that based upon what they need or want. People buy based upon what they want, not what they need.
0,22:29,000 --> 0,23:27,000
Well and no no doubt. They buy there's an emotional component. Even on, like, a b to b sales, there's definitely a need, but they want to buy from you for x, y, and it could be a person, whatever else. And you're spot on, by the way. So the chameleon of of knowing how to relate without being obviously cheesy, that the, you know, New Yorkers don't want to talk to you know, that's by example, don't really want to talk to people who talk too slow, but also not too fast either. Right? And they get people who are more slow, deliberate, look at you as a complete sales sleazeball if you're throwing out 4,000 words a second. You gotta gotta. I do find though, if you generally just ask questions, both parties, you got them both 1. And if you tentatively listen, you can ask a slower question, you can ask it faster, but both will respond. I mean, ask them questions is a great way to get people to like So the secret is you have to get the connect and relating down because the difference between if I'm selling the same product as you
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is I the only reason I'm gonna get to sale in some instance is I'm the difference between a good and a great salesperson is the number of questions that I ask. So I need to ask more detailed questions than my competition to understand how I can help them. And the only way I can do that, if they feel like you'd ask that. K. So Well and and that's the moment. Right? If you have command
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of your of your space and you've met with enough customers and you've served and you've helped, it's not even just detailed. It's it's having that idea of relevance of I I would you could ask questions that should be relevant to them in the situation that's unfolding in front of you. So it's not so much like a productized list of questions. It's more of they're this kind of company. This person's this is their role. You just should know some questions to ask specifically to what's going on
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that you you're taking about a known path of of questions that they should have some type of answer like this, which allows you to fall with this. Let me simplify it for you. If I walked up to you in the street and I walked up to you and you were wearing that same outfit and I said, hey. How are you doing? I said, what color is your underwear? You would look at me and go freaking crazy. Right? What underwear? Right? And I always use this analogy for for guys, not girls. So if I come up to you and say, hey. How are you doing? Where are you from? And you start telling me where you're from, and I'm like, oh, I love the tie deal. That stuff's like that. And I said, you know, normally, I match the ties. So does your underwear match the tie? Because mine is blue. What color is yours? And you're like, well, it doesn't match. I'm just wearing black today. Now did I get what I want? I just wanted to know that, but it's the way that you do it. So that's why I use the underwear upfront because most, what? You gonna ask me that? So you see how simplified I did it. I came in a different way because I asked them a little bit more different questions, and I made it comical. Like, does your tie match your underwear? I'm I'm wearing blue. What are you wearing? And you'll probably go like, oh, I'm wearing green. You'll actually look down and do it, and I'm like like that. So it's the same approach. It's totally different things, and people like, I didn't notice what just happened there. I'm like, yeah. That's that's what sales actually is. Right? And if you do that to a complete stranger, they're probably gonna get security. If you do it in a nightclub, also security, just so you can look like that. That's 2 scenarios end up the same. Well, I used underwear because it's so like, I'll I'll put something else in there, like but but that is, like, a no brainer. Like, you can't ask me that. Like, no. But then if I come back at it a different comical way, you know, 30 seconds later, I'm getting you to tell me what it is. I'm not asking what it is. You see the difference? You're telling me I'm not asking. It's just the way that I I ask for it.
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Do you have a do you have, like, a, you know, a, like, a defining success story in your work so far? Like like Oh my goodness. One that's like, man, if I could have 50 clients just like this because they they went from here to there.
0,26:13,000 --> 0,29:03,000
Oh my goodness. Wow. You got people who are gonna shut down their business. They're gonna leave. It's not working. One of the things first things I when I work with individuals, I have certain rules that I have to work with you. One of them is that you have to like or love the product. If you don't like it or love it, leave it because it doesn't come through in your your voice, your copy, your emails, everything else. Is is it it you should love what you do, especially if you're an entrepreneur, the product or the service that you have. If you don't have it in you, then it's gonna be very difficult for you to convey that to a potential client. And so by able to do that, I've I brought some people back from the from the, the the end of the world for them. It's like that. I can't do this, and then suddenly, they're starting to sell and make money. One of the clients that I've done, there most of the people I work with, when I classify them, is normally between 30 to 60% within 3 months because there's a number of things in their business they're not doing, whether CRM, callbacks, referrals. I'm looking for the money right off the bat because I'd rather the client, the new client that you you you acquire through my skills, pay for me, not you. And that's a true testament of what a coach is Yeah. Because you should 8 x or 10 x what you're paying in the results. And in in the marketing, you don't have that type of results. You just pay and pitch and wish. So when I work with you and I said, we're gonna you're at 100,000. You should be at 300,000. I really mean it. And what you pay for for me is peanuts. You're paying for my time and expertise, which you should. Right? It's value, time. So I'm saving you a lot of time getting from one client to another. Right? Because you they're out there winging it. They're they're still in business because they think it worked. But if you could shorten the time between clients for between 1 on Monday, 1 on Friday to 1 on Monday, 1 on Tuesday, or 2 on Monday, that's when you start seeing real results. Do you have yours I mean, is the problem typically not enough meetings, or is it too many of the wrong meetings? Well, people always always inflate leads with sales. But if I could just get enough leads. Right? Everybody wake up. Everybody watching. Man, if I had my calendar was full, I so it's just like you going up to, baseball, and you know how many how many strikes do you get. Right? But you go up there and say, you know, I want instead of 3 strikes, give me 30 strikes. Right? If I could just get 30 strikes. But I'm saying within the 3 strikes that you have, if you you practice, the 3 strikes that you have, you'll have ability to hit more than the person that gets 30.
0,29:03,000 --> 0,29:04,000
0,29:04,000 --> 0,29:15,000
Skip I I I think I think the, It's a numbers game. So if you got 30, yeah, you'll you'll make more sales, but you're not gonna what is your con I always say, what is your conversion rate? Right.
0,29:15,000 --> 0,29:37,000
Do you have a do you see a lot of challenges with kind of the the right person, but they got the wrong product or service? Do you help them with that? Because sometimes, like, I can't like, I'm a good salesperson or I'm doing all the right things, but I can't close it. Do you help them with the the offer too, or is it is that sit outside of the the Do you mind what I said? You you have to like and love the product.
0,29:37,000 --> 0,30:53,000
Right? Because you have to believe in it. And that's where the mindset come in, what I have to train people is. And that's why people that that rip off artists, they believe in what they're doing. The product might be crap, but they believe in what they're doing. That's why they're so, you know, aggressive in everything that they're doing. They believe they or they need the money. They want the money. Right? I say a homeless person out there with a good corner and a good mindset on a corner asking in the heat of the day out there with a cardboard sign could pull down 300 to $700 a day. An entrepreneur can't even do that. What's the difference between them and you? They're focused. They're not worried about the email, their family, what they look like, what they they don't care about rejection. They're out there to get what they want because they they need it. Right? They need the food, water, alcohol, something that they need. They don't care. Most entrepreneurs are worried about what they look like, what they feel like, what they're saying. I can't take rejection. All these things is the same process. But the homeless person is kicking their butt, and they don't have any of the tools. They don't have Instagram. They're not sending people chat messages. Hey. Can you save me money? They're just asking. Right? And so most entrepreneurs are just not asking enough.
0,30:53,000 --> 0,31:09,000
So if you had the magic ball, somebody comes and goes, give me give me give me 2 things in this magic ball. I'm a let you have 2 because I like this. You'll probably give me 3. But, anyway, what's the one thing you should always do, and what's the one thing you should never do? Always be prepared.
0,31:09,000 --> 0,32:37,000
Don't go into a sales competition or go into a sales presentation not being prepared. I was a manager for a number of years, and people would come in on Monday, hungover, whatever. I'm like, go home. You're not ready. So if if you're not practiced, you're not ready, you don't go into the field not prepared, you're gonna get run over. And so that's the main thing that you have to understand. Number 2 is everything is emotional, whether it's b to c, b to b. And so emotional triggers is something that I implement in my sales process. People don't even have an idea with is how you make the person feel. Whether it's a $1,000,000,000 deal or or or an ironing board is how you may how they feel really is why they buy. If I feel as though this will solve my problem and most people don't dig enough in the questions to find out what that is, the emotional trigger. What will you feel like when if you had if I snap my fingers and my product was in your hand and 24 hours later, your your situation was solved, how would that make you feel? And they were like, Brian, you can't ask that. We're doing b to b. I'm like, I don't care if you're selling space shuttles. It's still the same thing. Keep it simple stupid. And so being able to understand in my sales process that you have to emote that that emotional trigger for people is the reason why people buy. I had to find that out early in my career. I'm like, what is this feeling stuff? It's like it's real. And if you can understand that, that's the secret sauce of a a good sales process is it's not just standoffish. It's more emotional.
0,32:37,000 --> 0,32:46,000
Yeah. I I I I love that. Well, listen. Before we kinda go any further here, who should get a hold of you, and how do they do that?
0,32:46,000 --> 0,34:40,000
I work with entrepreneurs and and businesses up to $10,000,000. I built sales teams from scratch. I've actually done hiring. But most of the people that are struggling, the first thing I ask them, do you have a sales process? And they just anytime they had You mean a documented one? Yeah. Something you could as an entrepreneur, you're supposed to replace yourself with the jobs you cannot do when you can afford it. So if if I give you the business you started on your own and then you you went from 10,000 to a 100,000, you know, to 250,000, I don't like doing marketing. Hey. Pay for that because you've been doing it on your own. Right? But I have a limo business. I have somebody do that for me. That's the job of an entrepreneur is not to work inside the business, run the business. And so most people don't understand it, but you cannot hire a salesperson if you don't know how to sell. You can't start a sales team if you don't have a sales process. So most businesses Yeah. Rotate a lot of salespeople because they don't give them enough tools to be successful, which mean they don't have a process that's not tested. They don't know because you'll know in the beginning. Hire slow, fire quick. Right? This is the way we do things here. This is our sales process. I work for a company. I loved it. I worked in a company. We probably went through 6,000 people in class. It was a 125 of us. In 4 years, I've probably seen 6,000 people come in there to try to make the top 125 in that room. And, I mean, it was it was just and people would come in, and they were like, listen. This is and after they was trained, they'll come and sit next to us, and we're the we're the veterans. And we this is the way we do things here. I used to sell this. I no. This is our process. I don't care if you sold $1,000,000 boats. If you come in here with that attitude, you're not gonna be here. 2 weeks later, they're gone. We already know it because we have a process that's been true proven. It's tested,
0,34:40,000 --> 0,35:39,000
and you don't need to come in here and try to change things because you sold somewhere else. And they'll get rid of you. Well, I think that's a good well, I would say but I think it's a great point as a coach. I don't mean to interrupt you there, but, like, I I really make that point is if you come into anything so as hiring as a coach, like, you hire any as a coach and you're not open minded, you're gonna just repeat your last 6 months. It's just that simple, and you're gonna blame yourself. So if you if you keep seeing you repeat the same thing and everyone else doesn't know anything or no one helps you, you're probably time you get that mirror that that Benjamin Brown sent you with the little cell. Because problems start and end in this little portal. I think you should do that really, honestly, as a marketer. I think it'd be it'd be clever. Make it cool too. Right? Like, you know Make it fun. Sales is fun. Listen, we I wanna make sure that, I have asked you all the important questions in sales we possibly can do in about a 35 minute window here, but I'm sure there's a question I should ask you. I didn't. So what is that question?
0,35:39,000 --> 0,35:41,000
What is a sale?
0,35:41,000 --> 0,36:17,000
What is a sale? That's the I wanna hear take that one on, please. What is a sale? I thought that'd be an obvious one. So now I'm so curious on what the hell you mean by that. Go ahead. What is a sale? What is the purpose of a sale? Oh, you asked me this offline, and I'm gonna forget my answer. I'm not answering because I answered it wrong. You asked me I remember now for anybody watching, like, we had had a conversation offline. I answered 10 questions in a row wrong. Yeah. Tells and that's why I don't sell it anymore, so I just quit because you don't know. Alright. So I'm not answering. You're gonna answer that because I know I'm like, in my mind, I know the answer's wrong already. So go ahead.
0,36:17,000 --> 0,37:32,000
Yeah. So you're you're doing you're you you have a plan in your head that you're constantly playing out as you're selling. You're not just winging it, figuring out the next word, the next sentence, the next step. This has to be automated. And once you're able to do that, your your response, a 100%, is on the client, what they're saying, not what I'm thinking. Because, you know, we have left brain, right brain. And so you're doing 3 things at the same time when you're selling. You have to multitask, and you have to do it smooth. You have to understand it because it's not a conversation. It's a different language. So the purpose of a sale is to get someone to move. So you get that all the time. You open your phone up. People are asking you to move. Click on this. Turn the volume up on that. Go here. Shop here. Click on this link. Put your email in here. Call us this time. Click this link. And we're on the highway. Call this number. Radio station. Call this number. Click on this ad. We're all trying to get someone to move. So the purpose of a sale when a child asks you to pick them up, it's a sale. They're not trying to and there's no exchange of money. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. It's a close. Close. Close. Close. Close. Close. Close. Close. You're like, no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And then finally, like, oh, okay. They closed you. A child can close. Most adults can't.
0,37:32,000 --> 0,37:33,000
I love that.
0,37:33,000 --> 0,38:08,000
Alright. One more time. How do I need to get ahold of you? What's the best way to get ahold of you? Very simple. I have a very limited amount of people that I can work with based on time and execution and things of that nature because I like results that's driven. So the main thing is that I give them opportunity to to talk directly with me based upon their problems. That is meet with, and on there, you can click on that, schedule a 30 minute session or 60 minutes call. We can start going through and assessing. I only work with people that I can help. And the main thing is getting new results because the main key is getting referral and testimonials to move in and grow business just like anything else. Yeah. Absolutely.
0,38:08,000 --> 0,38:34,000
So and and that's a good point, by the way. So and and and I think a good lesson is, especially if you're you're working with people, you don't you don't take every customer that comes your way possible. You can't. It's called bad money. I teach that in my course. Bad money. Don't want bad money. Don't want bad money. Thank you, by the way, Benjamin, for for jumping on here. Making me forget what the answer to that question was because I was like, I know. I'm not I'm gonna do it again. And then you asked it, and then I'm like, oh, I forgot what the right answer was. I always come back.
0,38:34,000 --> 0,38:36,000
The student has to learn.
0,38:36,000 --> 0:38:38,000
I know. I don't even drink. So if I drink, I'd understand why I forgot now. It's just age. I think that's what it is. Thank you, Benjamin. You're very welcome. And, for everybody who's listening here to to this point, guys, thanks so much. Check out Benjamin Brown, you know, and and go and get get a meeting with him. If you have any part of your sales, you know, coach, you you need someone in your life to kinda, like, help you with sales. You know, you don't do it alone. You you get in there. He's got lots of you know, he's a great conversation to have, just beyond the 35, 40 minutes we spent here. But I tell you, you will learn quite a bit from him. Hope you'll return retain it better than I did as well. But if this was your first time here, thanks for saying this long. If you've been here before, thanks for getting, to the point in in the show. Guys, the mission is to help a 1000000 entrepreneurs get better in entrepreneurship, help them unleash their entrepreneur, help them cut the tie to all the things they hold back, the excuses they make, the, you know, the fears you're making. I want you guys to break free from that and just be the best you can do. Until we meet again, get out there, though, and unleash your entrepreneur. Thanks for listening.

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