Never Been Promoted

Can Faith and Business Coexist? | Matthew Lynch

August 08, 2024 Thomas Helfrich Season 1 Episode 85

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Never Been Promoted Podcast with Thomas Helfrich

Matthew Lynch, co-founder of the Christos Commission Covenant Conglomerate Corporation (5C), shares his journey from humble beginnings to leading a faith-based conglomerate focused on benevolence and eternal values. Known for his commitment to fostering harmony and engagement within communities, Matthew offers deep insights into the intersection of faith, entrepreneurship, and social impact.

About Matthew Lynch:

Matthew Lynch is the co-founder of the Christos Commission Covenant Conglomerate Corporation, a faith-based organization dedicated to promoting benevolence, harmony, and eternal values through a variety of ventures. The 5C’s mission is to engage individuals in meaningful work that aligns with spiritual principles, creating a cohesive community that works together for the greater good. Matthew’s approach combines entrepreneurial innovation with deep spiritual conviction, aiming to create a lasting impact on both individuals and communities.

In this episode, Thomas and Matthew discuss:

  • The Journey to 5C: Matthew shares his background, including his early connection to faith and the experiences that led him to co-found the Christos Commission Covenant Conglomerate Corporation. He explains how the concept of benevolence drives the organization’s mission and structure.
  • Challenges of Faith-Based Entrepreneurship: Matthew discusses the unique challenges of leading a faith-based organization, including the need to balance spiritual principles with practical business operations. He highlights the importance of engaging with diverse communities and maintaining humility in leadership.
  • The Role of Benevolence in Business: Matthew emphasizes the central role of benevolence in his organization, explaining how it informs every aspect of their work. He discusses the practical ways 5C is working to promote harmony and create opportunities for individuals to contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Benevolence as a Business Model: Benevolence can be a powerful driver for business success, creating value that extends beyond financial gain to include social and spiritual impact.
  • Engagement and Harmony: True success in entrepreneurship comes from creating harmony and engaging others in meaningful work. Matthew’s approach demonstrates how faith and business can work together to achieve greater good.
  • Long-Term Vision: Building a faith-based organization requires a long-term vision focused on eternal values, with an emphasis on continuous improvement and adapting to changing circumstances.

"You cannot be a victor of your future if you're held captive by your past." — Matthew Lynch


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Welcome to another episode of Never Been Promoted where we're here to help you unleash your entrepreneur. Hey. Hi. I'm Thomas Helfrich, your host. If this is your first time here at the Hope, it is the first of many. And if you've been here before, thanks for coming back. Our mission is to help entrepreneurs get better at entrepreneurship, and we're doing this through the stories and journeys of other entrepreneurs wherever they are in their journey. Just starting, just planning in the middle of it, exiting. You can learn something from their journey, and that form of micro mentoring really helps you, you know, kinda cut the ties, so to speak, to the things that hold you back, the anchors in your life, those excuses you know you're making, and all those fears for some reason you still wanna hold on to. So we're gonna kinda help you think through this. If you can get one thing out of today's show, you've done what you needed to to to move forward. Before we get going, meet our guests today, I'd love if you guys listen. This is so important to the community and to the guests. If you could do the 5 star review on Apple's on Apple, on on Spotify, on Amazon, that stuff, those reviews, that just simple task of just saying, hey. I like it, really helps bring more attention to our mission. And if you could try the YouTube channel at @neverbeenpromoted. Thank you so much for for joining. Let's meet Matthew Lynch. He is the cofounder of the Christos Commission Covenant Conglomerate Corporation 5 C's. I've heard of 5, like, 5 star diamond like gambling, but not 5 C's. So this is more faith based. Matthew,
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welcome to the show. Oh, so good to be here, Thomas. So, yeah, c54.
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Thank you for introducing us. C five four, is that is that the right way to say it? C five four? 5 fold,
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like, 5 fold, fold. 5 fold way of thinking, you know, pentagrammable, ministry of, you know, guiding you ultimately to one point, and one thing at a time. But, you know, as that as that shifts and teaches you to then create, you know, to go forth and multiply. Right? To create this sort of access points that are propelling you forward is incredible. And so that's just one of many gifts of benevolence, which we're trying to make very accessible in the you know, you take the word Christos, which is anointment. So, you know, you think anyone is a favor of being anointed, right, of being anointed towards benevolence. You have the kind of the if you wanna make it math, good, better, best, 30, 60, 90. Right? This this creator of Benevolence saw saw it after creating it, you know, saw it and it was good, saw the opportunity for betterment, saw what was best about it, saw what was good, and saw and those things are so incredible. So if we can just kinda get our feet wet with it, you know, be immersed in it, go far and wide in what our callings are, honor humility, which is paradigm, you know, paradigm in its per perplexing, sort of way of you want, what you don't want, but then you start to not want what you want, and ultimately, you start wanting what you want. Yeah. And it's incredible.
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So Well, that's I think that's a that's a good place for an icebreaker. Yeah. Also, let me let me I we're gonna we're gonna dive into your the 5 fold and the 5 c 5 c we're gonna get into that. Here's my break. Since it's Christian kind of, you know, religious faith based idea you have Yeah. Which of the original disciples of Jesus would you have been?
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So namesake of Matthew. Right? First first of the New Testament, in the gospels rather, Or so you can tell I'm still and all all all things new, right, as we approach these things with a bit of candor and a a bit of, then bringing in our our talents and our innocence as our personhood. I I I do wanna add that, you know, they they say that, that is written that, nothing shall separate from Christ's love. So, that, you know, in that way of understanding one another, it will even be, you know, you ought to push off this well believing believer and say, stop stop causing this other person to fall short of the glory of God, right, which is to send. And and then you have, this perplexing moment and say, why and well, it's kind of it was both. Right? Just just, you know, if you can honor that, we can go to all these different places and be in this universal centered fashion, and and at times do so through grace, right, where which can hold down these these these these parts of us that we don't know how to quite hold down. It comes to, like, Job where, you know, he he was sort of wondering if he should curse God and then was thinking, like, in that conversation no. I don't you know, that's a tough thing to say. So I'm sorry to the the the listeners who are scrutinizing, but, it is like, the the inner workings of everything going on at all times. Right? And then to plead to benevolence to have an exact moment, which I witness all day every day to answer prayers and miracles, and it's incredible. And and by being in line with, as they say, peace like a river, you you're not being outlandish in what you go for. Right? You're you're starting to want what a commonality wants. And in that, I think it keeps a lot of things open for diversity, for interruptibility, for redundancy. And, yeah, I don't wanna miss any points by talking too fast, but, like, it's it's central to, mind, body, and soul. Right? Is even when they it's written that when together in in, you know, I'll say in benevolence's name, right, into this creator creator living dynamism, that is to be had a relationship with whether that be, hey, like, let me do my thing and then, hey, you have my back. Right? And then, you know, or however it goes. What can I do for you? What how can I go forth and be most like you? All these things are ultimately so so we're known by name. Right? They they have a Yeah. Written down, precise name, like, on on a on a scroll in heaven and, heavenly places and and, you know, and to, you know, jazz up is like, you know, they talk about the generation that shall not pass after the, reform after the nation of, belief that, you know, the calling of Israel was, reformed. And, so with with patience and with, Godspeed, you know, patience for sometimes saying, okay, I gotta, get up and have a 24 hour day here and I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I gotta have patience for that. Right? Or however might go. These things are so incredible. No weapon shall prosper all things, you know, through through anointment through Christ. So thanks for letting me get someone out here so fast. Well And now I'm looking forward to it. Yeah. That looks good. Like, it looks pretty nice. Well, just well, take it like
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a take a bubble up, back it up a little bit. Just, you know, in a few minutes, talk about kinda your origin, your backstory, and how you got to founding what you're you're working with. Well, I'll tell you what. I I had some moments, like, when I was young where, you know, I would,
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gather all the church regalia and things like that, and and I was so impressed by that benevolence and that relationship. And I just wanted to honor that and, you know, do good. And then from there, it went into, you know, that stubbornness that I think I'm a little gifted by, but also that I have to know myself by, has led to a variety of ways that I wanna go forth and that I feel that I'm doing so in called ways, but in ways that haven't traditionally gelled with the structure of, you know, church programming, church, whatever you wanna call it, because they say, of course, that the living church, the capital c church, shall not, like the building, may fall shall not fall. That was the one and all. Yeah. So I just feel enrichedly that it, enriched, and overflowing in that way by, a variety of things including how my life was saved when I thought I was, when I was on the verge of of several diagnoses ultimately and, you know, prescriptions and and and and various prescriptions and and so it's, in fact, I'm taking a concentration medicine, that, through brain scans, we're gonna look to see if the areas of my memory like hippocampus are improved if they respond, you know, if they, just
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grow or So so you had a life life saving so what was life life saving event? So sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. I just get, like, you kinda just walked over, like, hey. Because I got my life. What?
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Not a lot of people can say they had a life saving event. So talk about that a little bit in your journey here. So I feel my fruits are becoming, you know, we're known by our fruits. I feel my fruits are becoming a little bit less confusing, because, gosh, what what I was hearing after crawling out of the car that I had sent through trees almost into a river, and my mom, you know, was thankful that that it that I didn't wind up in the river. Right? And that, I was just so oblivious. I was just expecting goodness all around. I was I was so inundated and, a little bit in stasis, you know, in the shock of, like, what's next. And and so and I think so many people are going through this and they ultimately make profoundly permanent decisions or things that people treat as permanent. And we're in a real wake of how to how to, have one another's back and how to, go forth with confidence in our health and our wealth and our ability and and yet, you know, our eternal health and wealth and ability. And and that's where that's where it comes in is that I thought I was, you know, just having this this blend of where, what what what I would do would be, you know, most most what I would wanna do like, it would just feel right. Right? Knowing, being, and doing. Yeah. That as I as I saw colors that those promptings could be correct as to where to go. Right? And then as I felt feelings that and so letting go of the wheel of the car is the most terrible thing, you know, and yet it was the most, you know, profound thing that everyone survived and that I didn't cause them wreck and that I, you know, didn't, one word is coming to mind that I don't think is correct. It's, like, disenfranchised, but, like, sure, like, disenfranchised from faith of, like, those emergency responders who were just listening to me and just thinking, you know, what's what's going on? Why aren't you, you know, focused or or what's what's the what's the worry? And that's all, you know, at one point, I had been medicated to the effect of, ultimately, it's very similar to what I'm diagnosis now, but, when I was medicated to the effect of it, I felt like less like I would sort of bounce off the walls, because I've always had this boredom and and, you know, just with a stubborn stubbornness of wanting to go out and do so many things, wanting to start so many projects, wanting to be involved in different people's things and and be of help. And I am very giving, so I I I ultimately, like, don't try to take it as my own unless I feel that that would be something that is the most humble thing that would allow me to then build something that would affect them positively. Right? And that's ultimately what we're trying to do with the, conglomerate corporation
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is to, solve Well, this is insane. So so so tell me in, like, in short, kind of with your organization, dive in that just a little deeper. What's what's the goal mission of it? And and how are you how are you you know, where are you in the mission, and where are you on the on the journey a little bit? And we'll get into kind of the how or how you see it coming Okay. After that. So tell me what the mission is of of your organization.
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So the mission is propelled by, the problem statement of falling short of the glory of the Netherlands, of of, God. And and, ultimately, you know, through this one person, this most historical figure, you know, all of heaven and earth one day will, you know, pledge that allegiance and and go forth together into all time. And so what can we do for that now, right, would be the problem solve for the world world's problems today and then also to practice for that all time for, incentivization of those who are struggling with why and, on both sides of faith and belief and, sort of morale and, right, and inclination because, you know, with an ounce of judgment and a pound of mercy as as they say sometimes, these things that feel that they're so compelling or convicting or condemning, one way or another, ultimately through that vale ish omnipotent omnipresent on so on and so forth, you know, that you can see sort of where I'm going with that is, like, your question was, you know so our our your question was what, like, what what was the problem statement? What is the solution? What is our Well, wait. Wait. What what's the goal of the organization and who does it help, really? Yeah. Yeah. So who does it help and how do you do it? I'd say the solution is engagement and the the goal is, harmony. Right? Where to say peace, it involves, this principled peace, this passionate prince peace, I'm sorry, passionate piece and this purposeful piece. So to have harmony would be to have this overlapping piece that may at times take time. Right? That godspeed is as slow as it takes, as fast as it requires, or as you can say flip those words around and say as fast as it takes or as slow as it requires or so on and so forth. And that, that way, this FOMO's conquered, this and that can go to any, you know, fear fear of missing out. Right? That can go to any, generation. So to be, our one maximum of ours is that we're doing this for tomorrow, in honor of yesterday through today, And and and I think that that is a way of practicing for all time and that you be constantly, as they say, repenting. Right? That you constantly get to relive these things and have triggers to what those those events and those participation in relationship, which, you know, well, to break it would be that we all come from. Right? Not only that Adam and Eve, but that that that rib came from Adam and then that that Adam came from God and that all of creation came from this thy will of executing the Netherlands over and and by executing I hate to go off on chances and and stale anyone, but by the Netherlands, allowing for non benevolence because you allow people to turn around and you allow these benevolent people to not be, jaded towards the non non benevolence. You it's forgiveness. It's so much skill. It's so much innocence. It's it's yeah. I'm I'm having a great time. We're we're really some things are being prompted here, and I'm thankful for that and, look forward to what's next. And so, right, that that falling short of the of of the glory, that harmony to be had, but it's gotta have that engagement. Right? Is that it depends on the body going going forth. And they say say that, in church is that, you know, you don't be the church by yourself. And and there's evidence for that is the once you gather in my name. Right? And so that's great. It encourages us. There's a rabbi who spoke on specialization, says that we are special and that by that, we should rely on other people who are special. And so, I well, really, it's taking the higher ground. So you may use people who can do good things who are not in a good place, and that's that seems like some benevolence right there. And then, peace peace be had to both parties there and and ability and all sorts of things. You know, it's it's really, such a a bountiful thing to, you know, as they say, edify using, are these core ventures. Right? Because we have our again, into sort of our platform now. It's how we structure these things.
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Yep. Yep. So the we have the Yeah. No. I I thought you were continuing with it. Yeah. Awesome. I would well, what what I'd like to hear is kinda, like, when does someone come to you? Like, how you know, like like, okay. This person feels like this, and what do you do for them? Like so, like, how do you do that? Like, how do you do that? No. It's it's incredible. So being on,
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Never Been Promoted. Right? And and here we are, like, we we wanna start our own podcast studio as well or as well as a podcast licensing, system. So when it comes to food, when it comes to, membership organization, sort of, membership programming, membership app, and then as it goes into what those people are doing, how they're a part of this conglomerate, right, as a cofounder, as a, maybe a chief cofounder or maybe just a contractor or maybe a, you know, as they have in cocreatex, a partner company, a catalyst. There are so many good, ways of thinking of how to be involved with this. And so I'll I'll get into the structure whenever you say is a good time, but you would just ask Whenever you'd like. Yeah. You're you're you rule the day. What what did you just brought up? People always wanna hear is, like, how. So let's say I'm I'm in the spot of trying to, you know, be better connected and and and I need what you do, but how do you do that for somebody? How do you facilitate that Yeah. Transformation? So awesome, man. Awesome. Because we have our, say, our venture capital where we help people to get started with their venture. And then we have the name storm, name storming, which may need to be tweaked to to fully launch, but these are all DBAs doing businesses as or, fictitious names, if you wanna say, of the business, which is registered on the 21st. We'd register our 1st conglomerate after that. You know, the average person, right, is able to through this network that ultimately we can create, they can participate in the gig economy, like, come home from their, doing their careeing, driving around, and take a break and water their plants, and their plants are in the form of trees that they're getting paid to grow because, then they've activated their economy so that people can go out into the world and pick up seeds. And we might need to start with some models of growing directly to the city so that people, are vetted in how to do pickup and don't get killed crossing the street. And so we have all these, you know, things to venture into with business and then as the founders get involved in their nonprofits and as we do, pro bono and get involved with, legal efforts and and and educational efforts and church efforts, and it it's just fantastic. What we really need to eventually do is be promoted by, the central areas where congregations, affect change. Right? And and living with them, coming alongside them, allowing them to come alongside us, but then also going to the Vatican, to the Baptist, Methodist, so on and so forth, conventions, linking them in, linking, in the average, church in an average neighborhood, one that applies online or one that, you know, we come into town and we, do outreach to them. We form a welcome line. We hand out business cards. We recommend franchises that people can get involved with. We have home based businesses. We have home, we have incubating, housing efforts with, 5 main, brands that can bring housing about in a variety of ways, and then these people can start these home based businesses and do these gig based gig based, work from home. But then, of course, we're gonna be looking for people to administrate to the conglomerate, through a variety of, you know, hybrid, co working spaces across the country and across the world and through, our main headquarters in the Chesapeake Bay and then our our what will eventually become kind of a dispersed West Coast headquarters. And so certainly some sort of midway, point maybe on the Texas Triad would make a lot of sense because Minneapolis is close to us with the cocreatex company, ink, I don't know if they're incorporated or corporation. So yeah. So we got the the three name structure that I would just like to say is, like, the part of Potter's Promises is that the kind of at the top is, like, that's the membership. Right? That's the love your love your neighbor, love your god, and, and and with all your heart and all your mind and all your everything. And so thus, do so in a way that is most interruptible and and redundant. You know, allow allow for, you know, and most humble is what I'll say because maybe we have to stoke people in certain ways to activate them for an upcoming event and then through prophecy and all this incredible, almost other world east, you know, stuff. Well, in in the sense of how magnificent it is and how, yeah, we're mindful it is that we're not just sort of stuck into creation, that there was a very willful that we're known by name, that we have a purpose, that even as we get ourselves into danger and trouble that all these things and, so yeah. So so the other 2 of these are, eternal enterprises and holy holy holy holdings. And and so I thank you for letting me get it out as as we have the investments, the endeavoring, the membership, which is you can help to facilitate that membership. You can be a group leader, be a a local conference center, be a, etcetera, etcetera. Right? There's so many different ways that it breaks down. And I look forward to this just continuing to grow, and we'll have to come back on and be an alumni and and see if, you know, how we would support then. I I, because, you know, the alumni network you're creating is is I I wanna see that in a variety of organizations that they provide a platform to the alumni, but then the alumni help to enable the organization to go higher and to endow certain things and to so best of luck and prayers.
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That's great. And and, it and I think, I think on it may let's pivot the conversation to you a little bit. So in your own building of this and and, you know, working through the problems and trying to what's kind of the biggest lesson you've learned in launching your own, you know,
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organization, your own your own purpose? Well, everyone wants to see a good calling. So why me? Right? You know, why not the man himself? Why not at least, like, a established preacher or a pope or someone? And, gosh, did did did a very influential and important person in my life, really inspired me by saying that I had cemented well on this and that I had, you know, made things more clear in in how to structure it. It no longer is that we're trying to do all things or boil the ocean or any of that sort of negativity that because ultimately, that's there there can be these cultishisms that finally, when you make it to the top, you can laugh at them, but, gosh, they they can really, they can really catch you, and they can catch other people and cause them to do things that are not helpful, or that under undervalue all the good efforts that you do. And then, you know so that's why we that's all the more reason to look for this eternal reward, right, and to look forward to how you, you know, and others are going to build such as a haven, you know, for, and they one adage is that those who love the world, that world to come will do the most for the world of now, in order to have the most Yeah. Fast and willful and all participation in that. Right? Is that who's it up to, this revelatory prophecy, the final one to come? Is that of course, it's up to that that collective, unified, benevolent force, and it's up to, ultimately still, the battle's been won, but it's up to, the the individual and the, the, community in there. What, is what kinda keeps you up at night right now? Hey. Can I finish that real quick? I guess it's a good segue is, you know, dependability on the Netherlands, dependability for the Netherlands, right, through this non wasteful but, yeah, spilling over in in nice ways, force, and then, dependability through your neighbor to achieve that that concerted, you know oh, yeah. So, of course, we're told to be the the hands and feet. So we just created an exercise called the infinite infinite exercise. And and by it, instead of saying the hands and feet, we said the members or we said the membership because that that collective of being that, right, that that body of anointment, that body of Christ that they're just like into just as important as the individual, right, of having his collective up in right? And that he will, not forsake the 99 for the 1 in that metaphor, in that, parable, but, honor that 99 by saying I'll do the same for you. Right? And yeah. It's it's it seems like such a rich time. You know, Barack Obama had was famous for that that quote saying that, you know, we're in this grand, you know, all kind of paradigmal time of very influential, very good, very, able to do change. One thing that I that's always on my forefront of my, you know, mind or thinking or being or is that, data changes at a rate less than 2 days of what took up till 2010. So right? And so if you're not very adaptable in what you do, then ultimately you're, I think, worshiping this this stasis, this this this false god of achievement and staying the course. And even if you know that that course is winding, but you're, you know, it's there it it requires such a diligent tending to. Right? You have that 5 fold, not like a just, hey. Just consult, you know, your Bruce almighty phone. Although, doesn't that give us something to look for you? Yeah.
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What's up? I want you to look ahead and imagine you're a year from now, and you're looking back, and you're like, man, I'm so proud of what Oh. What happened in the next year. What are you gonna accomplish the next year that you're so proud of? So because right now, we're we're as comfortable waiting around
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for people to, absorb our message and then through prayerful discernment, act on it by supporting us, and that is a variety of institutions, a variety of private, you know, people, a variety of public private partnerships that we really have to spend a lot of time developing and then propose to various municipalities, cities, towns, in order to, show that we have a well defined footprint, through faith, through community, through the congregation, through the church, through individuals, through that's what we're saying. Right? And so it would look like a variety of faithful fast foods or or we call it faithful feast food, and that's faithful with 2 l's. We, we would have a variety of the seed stores, locations, you know, either working with municipalities collect them with their local arborist crews or, or their litter crews or so on and so forth. They pick up a couple seeds and, take them to the greenhouse and and grow them and then, you know, work with, like, largely city owned buildings to re replant, the canopy. And, then furthermore, we need to sell them to, say, developers or homeowners who just bought a developed land that had been cleared or, that they get to save on their utility bills. And so I can take any of these business cases. They're so fun. I like, you know, hopping on the back of the dump truck just as much as I like, you know, well, I could say a variety of things, but, it would look like, for me, it would look like a couple, properties owned by myself and by the corporation, and able to do good change through that of, like, affecting my business travel, enabling me to to, be at my best so that I can deliver what's best to others. Because, like you say, is that, you know, ultimately, this affects people 1 on 1 on 1, whether it is 1 to many or it it is and it and through that benevolence, right, is through that one to one there. So that's, whether it be in the sort of a grownful way of, like, just barely inkling now to faint call to you. I I I recognize you. I love you. I miss you. I think of you. I need your help. I you know, that sort of thing. Because, jeez, to be in this imagine this yeah. Let's say that, let's say that if a year was godspeed that we'd have, like, so much done, we would have a VR app. Right? We would have a a great, ability to to kinda cocreate with God. Like, hey. In in in this setting, all things are willful, all things are are consentful, and all things are great. And so go forth and and just beam around and and create things and you'd be and maybe sometimes the veil would sort of you do one thing and do something different or, yeah, you know, like a sort of read you. Right? Like, we have Neuralink coming about. So, you know, for people to, be at the best state of that. Right? That gosh.
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Yeah. Well, let me ask. So so who do you want to get a hold of you, and how should they get a hold of you? Website is coming together as
0,30:19,000 --> 0,32:18,000 We also still have up, and you should still have up. And those really show a variety of all the endeavors that we are getting into and, you know, ways of approaching these paradigms because some of them are, like, communities where we're working with cocreatex, which delivers own social dot io, product, where you create your own social media, your own social network, I should say. And through that, we can do so many, phenomenal, marketplace and ministry and community exercises and adventures and and, you know, my cell phone, I'm happy to give out. My email is is engage at If you go to, right now, it forwards to a link tree where you can sign up for a a a newsletter that that's upcoming. And I would just say to reach out via via phone would be 571-271-7959 because, I'm looking for people to outright administer this organization, participate in cocreation of of what needs to be done. And then, you know, people who are faithful, who wanna, you know, pray and, do a little bit of work or, you know, say, hey. I can't, but I just wanna talk to you or, you know, that goes such a long way because, often I'm I'm fighting the fight and for me to to piece make, you know, it's it's about creating these platforms where I can be more impactful than I could be on my own. And, yeah, this is this is this is a great Yeah. And I thank you. And we definitely described it well, and and and I think you deserve props for what you're doing to try and reach out a a 1000000 entrepreneurs, and I I I pray for you there. Or, I'm sorry, to host a 1000000 entrepreneurs?
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I mean well, I mean, listen. We'll take any prayer we can get. Our first goal is to help a 1000000 entrepreneurs. And if I feel like we can quantify that in some way or another, we'll go we'll go to the next 1000000. But, Matthew, thank you for coming on. I really I'd like to see people with bigger purpose ideas, that are always, you know, based in revenue, not always based in just profit. They're based in helping others. So I appreciate you and the Thomas, I so appreciate it. Very, very, kind. And
0,32:42,000 --> 0,32:50,000
I would just say that, that that is so intriguing that you would close with that because we are looking are you familiar with b corps, benefit corporations?
0,32:50,000 --> 0,32:51,000
0,32:51,000 --> 0,34:25,000
The b election. Yep. Yeah. So, you know, now here's a funny way of looking at a benefit corporation, right, is that we can value creation, all that great stuff that you would expect us to value as a benefit corporation. We can actually value owner stock above shareholder stock because owner operator can pair with investor. And so then we can have a higher level where if you're a pair anyway, all this great stuff comes to light. Right? That we ultimately can be the most profitable organization of all time because if we were back when we were having those oysters pillaged, you know, put pillar through the Chesapeake, we would have known to lead them at certain rates so that we could harvest them at certain rates, and that's no knock on them back then. They didn't have some of the they had some influences that were going on with trying to advance and so on and so forth. You know, it's it's, it's it's I would leave on one more thing would be, like, light, life, and love, you know, but so honored through that though any of those constituents that, you know, just blessings and and and to all this, those following, we're working on a referral paradigm so that, you know, by following us, you're rewarded for it, and and that would include mostly on LinkedIn as we're trying to build our audience of of professionals and and and show what people are out there doing and how they're lending themselves. Yeah. So, yeah, I should have mentioned that. I I thank you I thank you, Thomas. Thank you, listeners. I yeah. It's all good. Yeah. My first real podcast. I put that I appreciate it.
0,34:25,000 --> 0:34:27,000
I I really appreciate it. Thank you as well. And and and anybody who's made it this point in the show, thank you for so much for joining us today and, you know, and listen to Matthew's story. And, you know, and any any entrepreneurs on a on a journey, and Matthew's on his to to do more. And I I if you've gotten to this point, guys, thank you. It's so important to support each other in your journey and in your quest in life and and learn from from each other. And and this is how you get better entrepreneurship. You know, you gotta focus. You gotta work your heart butt off, but you gotta learn too, and learning from others is the way to do it. Until we kinda meet again, I want you to get out there. I want you to go help somebody be an entrepreneur. I want you to find help if you need it, but I want you to get out there and go unleash your entrepreneur. Thank you for listening.

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